tracktrace icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tracktrace copied to clipboard


Track shipping containers across all major shipping lines as well as Class 1 North American railways.

:heavy_check_mark: - Supported

:white_check_mark: - Not supported yet


Steamship Line SCAC Supported Container Tracking Website iOS App Android App
Alianca ANRM :heavy_check_mark: Link No No
APL APLU :heavy_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Arkas Container Transport ARKU :white_check_mark: Link No No
CMA CGM CMDU :heavy_check_mark: Link Yes No
Cosco COSU :white_check_mark: Link Yes No
Emirates Shipping Line ESPU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Evergreen EGLV :white_check_mark: Link No Yes
Hamburg SUD SUDU :heavy_check_mark: Link No No
Hapag Lloyd HLCU :heavy_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) HDMU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Maersk MAEU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Matson MATS :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) MSCU :heavy_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
ONE Line ONEY :heavy_check_mark: Link No No
Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) OOLU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Pacific International Lines (PIL) PCIU :white_check_mark: Link No No
Wan Hai Lines WHLC :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Yang Ming YMLU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes
Zim Integrated Shipping Services (ZIM) ZIMU :white_check_mark: Link Yes Yes


Railroads often require an account to track containers. At certain railroads, you also need to be a Notify Party to access tracking information.

For example, BNSF doesn't show any tracking information if your company is not a Notify Party. UP, on the other hand, shows partial tracking information.

Railroad Supported Need Account Need to be a Notify Party
BNSF Railway (BNSF) :white_check_mark: Yes Yes
Canadian National Railway (CN) :white_check_mark: Yes Yes
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) :white_check_mark: Yes Yes
CSX Transportation (CSX) :white_check_mark: No No
Ferromex :white_check_mark: Yes Don't know
Kansas City Southern Railway (KCS) :white_check_mark: Yes Yes
Norfolk Southern Railway (NS) :white_check_mark: Yes No
Union Pacific Railway (UP) :white_check_mark: Yes No


pip install tracktrace 

Usage example

>>> from tracktrace import ocean
>>> container = "MEDU3288655"
>>> scac = "MSCU"
>>> shipment = ocean.container.create(scac=scac, container=container)
>>> shipment.updates

[{'location': 'USSTL',
  'vessel': 'TRUCK',
  'voyage': '',
  'movement': 'Empty container returned',
  'mode': 'TR',
  'date': DateTime(2020, 12, 11, 15, 44, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC'))},
 {'location': 'USESL',
  'voyage': '',
  'movement': 'Rail last free day',
  'mode': '',
  'date': DateTime(2020, 12, 8, 23, 59, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC'))},
 {'location': 'USSTL',
  'vessel': 'TRUCK',
  'voyage': '',
  'movement': 'Full import container out gated',
  'mode': 'TR',
  'date': DateTime(2020, 12, 8, 19, 27, 0, tzinfo=Timezone('UTC'))},
 {'location': 'USESL',
  'voyage': '',
  'movement': 'Notified',
  'mode': '',

Release History

  • 0.0.5
    • Work in progress


Dhruv Kar – dhruvkar[email protected]

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


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