David Piggott
David Piggott
I don't think that's necessarily the implementation that users would expect. It assumes that the types don't overlap, i.e. that there is no value of B that when written could...
I'm no longer using the ECS discovery implementation (since July 10th - more context in https://twitter.com/dhpiggott/status/1149011430873686017) so am not in the best position to help with testing from a dogfooding...
I found https://github.com/h5bp/server-configs-nginx/blob/master/nginx.conf which looks like it's had quite a few eyes on it and so suggests that `gzip_proxied any` is reasonable. The other gzip directives in it might also...
Ah, right, I hadn't seen that, sorry! Having read it now I'm struggling to figure out what you mean by > I just realized that gzip_proxied controls whether proxied requests...
Thanks for the explanation. I don't really have an opinion one way or the other as to whether `jwilder/nginx-proxy` should do gzipping by default, so again just a question out...
Got it, thanks. I guess this issue can be closed now then, unless it should be left open to track removing `gzip_types` from `nginx.tmpl`?
I know there've been a few perf improvements and resource safety/memory leak/GC type issues found and fixed in ZIO (and maybe some in Cats Effect/Cats Effect Interop too) in the...
I nearly forgot to test that it's also good with the hack that disabled auto-blocking removed. https://github.com/dhpiggott/zio-http4s/commit/c8a2e13fa386b7e7bd82c111b747c088bfc04825 removed that hack. A few more runs of `zio-2/run` confirmed it's all good.
> Please refrain from force-pushing once you've opened a PR. It prevents the review of the latest changes, and also makes it extremely annoying if someone was branching out from...
> I switch to not being OK with it at the point when you ask me to have a look at it. Ok yeah I get that.