Denis Hünich
Denis Hünich
> Is sequential ordering of accesses from the same process guaranteed? No > At which point is remote completion guaranteed? Good question. Without a special demon managing the communication you...
> The GASPI people said the way to guarantee remote completion is to send a notification back to the sender. And to do that, you need to use a demon.
> IMO, a daemon is not an option. definitely Like i said before. Local completion isn't a problem. remote works for get/read. But put/write needs some kind of notification that...
@pascalj i will convince users that it is best practice to use get/read instead of put/write. problem solved ;) Seriously, we will try to find a solution. How long it...
I will look into next week.
@Spielix can you please name the flags you used. Did you enabled DYNAMIC_WINDOWS or SHARED_WINDOWS. I can't reproduce the error. The only thing happened to me, was a MPI_Win_detach error....
RegionSpec is not really "a" Dimensional. The member RegionCoords is Dimensional. But RegionSpec only combines RegionCoords with some other properties.
i still think that no inheritance should be used. I don't use the data structure of the base class or any methods.
Not really, because RegionSpec combines RegionCoords (Dimensional), the extent and some other useful things. In an older version i didn't used RegionCoords, but instead Dimensional to store the coordinates. Later...
Because i needed RegionCoords separately for other components. But seriously, i don't understand the problem here. We have so much other, more urgent, stuff to do.