Denis Hünich
Denis Hünich
Hi Bin, i will look into it next week. The problem by using the subscript operator is the performance. the operator has to check every access whether it is a...
Hi Bin, do you need access for inner and boundary elements separated by the subscript operator or one access for all elements? something like: ``` c++ for(int i = 0;...
Hi Bin, in the feat-halo branch is a coordinate based access class included now. It is a prototype and has no access checks included. Also the HaloWrapper now has an...
Hi Bin, i missed to mention to use the feat-halo branch. Please try it with this branch. best Denis
Hi Bin, i fixed it. After i send you the example, i changed the internal structure and missed to change that alias in stencil.h. best Denis
Hi Bin, i missed to answer that question. Hopefully i will find some time to clean up the code and then merge it. best Denis
Hi Goon83, i will merge in the next days. Happy new year and bests Denis
Maybe rename resize(dim_t...) to resize_dim(dim_t,...)
It's the same behaviour i noticed in issue #520. With shared windows on, the calculation for the local elements took way longer.
It is possible to run both gaspi and mpi. The point is, that MPI is only a runtime and should by accessed via the dart interface only. If this is...