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Add Custom Panel with custom msg
Hi! I'm student and i'm trying make a custom panel with custom msg but i don't understand the flow, my first question what hierarchy i must have ( i have the rosboard package and workspace package in the same level), i have my package with my custom message: Custom.msg:
int32 example0
int32 example1
int32 example2
int32 example3
int32 example4
int32 example5
in my CMakeLists.txt i have added:
- find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
- find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)
- ament_export_dependencies(rosidl_default_runtime)
in my package.xml i have added:
- <buildtool_depend>rosidl_default_generators</buildtool_depend>
- <depend>std_msgs</depend>
but i don't understand how to join de custom message to new panel, should I add the subscriber in the custom package or in the rosboard package(where i make the python file with the topic and the logic? Here is my .js:
"use strict";
class VehicleDataViewer extends Viewer {
onCreate() {
this.card.title.text("Vehicle Data");
this.viewerNode = $('<div></div>')
.css({'font-size': '14pt', 'padding': '10px'})
this.fields = [
this.dataTable = $('<table></table>')
.css({'width': '100%', 'table-layout': 'fixed' })
this.fieldNodes = {};
this.fields.forEach(field => {
let tr = $('<tr></tr>').appendTo(this.dataTable);
.css({'font-weight': 'bold'})
this.fieldNodes[field] = $('<td></td>').appendTo(tr);
onData(data) {
this.fields.forEach(field => {
this.fieldNodes[field].text(data[field] || 'N/A');
VehicleDataViewer.friendlyName = "Vehicle Data";
VehicleDataViewer.supportedTypes = [
also i have imported to index.js.