ai-image-generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ai-image-generator copied to clipboard

AI Image Generation with DALL·E 2.

AI Image Generator 🔥

Text to image Generator with DALL·E 2

Give your prompt and see the magic !

Live 🚀

Technologies Used 🖥️

Getting Started

# Clone this repository
git clone

# Go into the repository
cd ai-image-generator

# Setup default environment variables

# For Linux
cp env.example .env.local
# For Windows
copy env.example .env.local

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start a local dev server
npm start


  • Create ENV File
- ai-image-generator
  - server
    - node_modules
    - public
    - src
    - .env         <-- create it here
    - env.example  <-- this is the base file
    - .gitignore
    - package-lock.json
    - package.json
// .env
MONGODB_URL= "Replace with your url"
OPEN_AI_KEY=  "Replace with your key"
CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME= "Replace with yours"
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= "Your api key"
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= "Your app secret key"

For the Future

If you want to add more, Please don't hesitate to open a pull request.

👋 Get in Touch

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