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A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources, inspired by awesome-mysql

Results 102 awesome-postgres issues
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## Description - This change adds [YugabyteDB]( to the extensions section of - About [YugabyteDB]( : YugabyteDB is an open-source PostgreSQL compatible, high-performance, cloud-native distributed SQL database.

Adding [data-diff]( which uses an n-way binary search with checksums to check if two tables are the same, and prints out differences

Add new entries to `awesome-postgres` * [Pigsty]( - Battery-Included Open-Source Distribution for PostgreSQL with ultimate observability & Database-as-Code toolbox for developers. * [pg_exporter]( - Fully customizable Prometheus exporter for PostgreSQL...

Very interesting service provider IMHO, this is one of the main reason I looked into it: ``` ScaleGrid is the only DBaaS that lets you host in your own cloud...

login_hook - a PostgreSQL logon trigger implementation

update readme by adding PostgreSQL System Architecture