Damian Gryski

Results 261 comments of Damian Gryski

I'll wait until https://github.com/golang/go/issues/41583 is actually closed.

I'll try to take a look this week.

I think last time I tried to do this I was missing type information I needed, hence the (currently stalled) attempt at https://github.com/tinygo-org/tinygo/pull/2967

Try building with `-tags=appengine` to get a safe version of xxhash.

Yup, that's a current limitation of the `reflect` package. There are patches in progress to fix that, but otherwise no timeline for getting them merged.

As for the specific panic in this case, the we do not encode the map's full type into a side-table in the binary that would allow us to get the...

I believe `math/big` can build and works but the tests can't run for a number of reasons: - a lack of `encoding/gob` due to `reflect` issues. - `runtime.MemStats` missing `TotalAlloc`...

Full fuzzing integration is a bunch of compiler work, not only getting the bits of of the testing package ported over. I have a very minimal randomized testing package I've...

CI fails because new interp timeout is set to 0 because it's default zero value in the Options struct when running tests from `main_test.go`.

In Go, a `string` is actually passed around as a pointer to the string data and a length. For wasm, this is a pair of `(int32, int32)`. For returns values,...