David Gomez
David Gomez
Hi @Jancis , Did it happen on a fresh installation or during an upgrade? Are you using any custom values?
I see, It works fine for the latest version (debian-12). For debian-11 I would recommend using the latest released tag `8.12.1-debian-11-r20`, to create a custom image with all the changes...
Hi @sakeebshaikh74 > ingress is off for all the components > > i have opened the following componetns svc as nodeport compactor, queryFrontend , storegateway > > out of which...
Hi @sakeebshaikh74 Thanks for sharing it. I was able to test a succesfull connection with these steps: ``` # Run a pod with minideb $ kubectl run -it --rm minideb...
Hi @sakeebshaikh74 , Did you verify a successful connection using OpenSSL as I did in order to reduce the scope? If that works the issue is probably related to AWS.
Hi @MarijnMB, Sorry for the delay. Could you please let us know if you are using any custom values (apart from `kubernetesExecutor`) so we can try to reproduce the issue?
Hi @MarijnMB You probably need to add a new initContainer (`create-default-config`) in `templates/config/configmap.yaml` as was done in [this PR](https://github.com/bitnami/charts/pull/24196/files) for `bitnami/airflow/templates/worker/statefulset.yaml` Could you please give a try?
Hi @MarijnMB Thanks a lot for sharing your feedback. Would you like to contribute with a PR? The Bitnami team will be excited to review your submission and offer feedback....
Hi @pomland-94 , I could see this error related to bucket name from provisioning pod using your values: ``` $ kubectl logs minio-cluster-provisioning-7z4rv Warning: Use tokens from the TokenRequest API...
Hi @abalfazlmeshki Could you please share the exact values you use to reproduce the issue?