droid-feed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
droid-feed copied to clipboard

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`fun onSaveSourceClicked(url: String) = viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { val trimmedUrl = url.trimIndent() if (Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(trimmedUrl.toLowerCase(Locale.US)).matches()) { sourceErrText.postValue(R.string.empty_string) val cleanUrl = URLUtil.guessUrl(trimmedUrl) val alreadyExists = sourceRepo.isSourceExisting(cleanUrl) if (alreadyExists) { sourceErrText.postValue(R.string.error_source_exists) } else { isSourceProgressVisible.postValue(true)...


Hi, I wanted to see if you working on adding dark mode to the app, or maybe I can add it and send you a pull request?

feature request
