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easy installer for optimus-switch for SDDM, sets up nvidia PRIME and also allows for easy switching between intel/nvidia (prime mode) and intel only mode where nvidia gpu is powered down and no longer...

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Here is screen shot. ![2022-07-07_17-16](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5375918/177766118-4b43816d-7e3a-415b-aa29-5ddfeedba0c2.png) ![Screenshot_20220707_171633](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5375918/177766153-9f39ba33-342c-4fc9-8760-a822ed284c6c.png) ![Screenshot_20220707_171302](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5375918/177766184-c2aecd41-3b36-4c3d-97b2-fc3512b3e407.png) ![Screenshot_20220707_171812](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5375918/177766249-ac6eeb69-5a42-4aca-b1ec-a011e70cae13.png) ![Screenshot_20220707_172056](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5375918/177766685-67ec024a-40ce-4e5d-808a-8913f2ad5e1d.png)

Hello, I tested this just now after getting frustrated with optimus-manager, bumblebee etc. I hoped that this would work but still the same. I have attached all the relevant logs...

after following this tutorial everything is working as it should but there is new issue of error showing during boot up and shutdown. that is failed to bootup kernel modules...

After uninstalling there will be a message: ``` if you reboot now, you will not have a working Xorg setup. setup another optimus solution before rebooting. ``` What shall I...

When [uninstalling](https://github.com/dglt1/optimus-switch-sddm/blob/master/switch-uninstall.sh), there will be an error message: `Failed to disable unit: Unit file disable-nvidia.service does not exist` Other commands will go through.

Hi! I just installed optimus-switch following the instructions in the readme page and it works just fine for intel mode: `inxi -g` returns ``` Graphics: Device-1: Intel UHD Graphics 620...

Hi, I'm running Manjaro kde 20.1 Kernel 5.7, nvidia GF310M I followed you instructions and after reboot nvidia driver works fine. But after `sudo set-intel.sh` and reboot I got a...

```shell achuan$ sudo /etc/switch/gpu_switch_check.sh Trying \_SB.PCI0.P0P1.VGA._OFF: /etc/switch/gpu_switch_check.sh:行63: 警告:命令替换:忽略输入中的 null 字节 failed Trying \_SB.PCI0.P0P2.VGA._OFF: /etc/switch/gpu_switch_check.sh:行63: 警告:命令替换:忽略输入中的 null 字节 failed Trying \_SB_.PCI0.OVGA.ATPX: /etc/switch/gpu_switch_check.sh:行63: 警告:命令替换:忽略输入中的 null 字节 failed Trying \_SB_.PCI0.OVGA.XTPX: /etc/switch/gpu_switch_check.sh:行63: 警告:命令替换:忽略输入中的 null...