JMXQuery copied to clipboard
python27 support missing
The current python module is not python27 compatible. Would it be possible to add support for python 2.7? I've created the following diff, which adds python2.7 support:
I've verified that the patch works on 2.7:
$ ipython
Python 2.7.15+ (default, Nov 27 2018, 23:36:35)
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In [1]: %cpaste
Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D.
:import jmxquery
jmxConnection = jmxquery.JMXConnection("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<dummyIP>:12347/jmxrmi")
jmxQuery = [jmxquery.JMXQuery("com.bea:ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=ThreadPoolRuntime,Name=ThreadPoolRuntime")]
metrics = jmxConnect:ion.query(jmxQuery)::
In [2]: metrics
[<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134d2ef0>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134d2f38>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134d2f80>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134d2fc8>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed050>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed098>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed0e0>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed128>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed170>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed1b8>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed200>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed248>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed290>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed2d8>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed320>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed368>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed3b0>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed3f8>,
<jmxquery.JMXQuery instance at 0x7f80134ed440>]
In [3]: quit()
Hi @chorejasbob this isn't something I'm planning to do anytime soon. If you do a PR with the fix I can review and test then I'll look into merging it. Not sure what the clean way of supporting both versions in a single module is so will also need to do some research!
Hi @dgildeh I've updated the 2.7 code to include the 'subprocess32' module, since it backports all of the newer functionality available in the python 3 version of the subprocess module. You can read more about it here:
I've created a new local branch and will start testing using this module. I'll create a PR once I can test and verify functionality works on both 2.7 and 3.x.