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Basic programs for generating Slater-Koster files for the DFTB-method


Package containing a few programs that are useful in generating Slater-Koster files for the DFTB-method.

NOTE: This packages comes with minimal documentation and with a currently rather fragile user interface. It is considered to be neither stable nor robust. Make sure, you check results as careful as possible. Use at your own risk!


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  • Fortran 2003 compliant compiler

  • CMake (>= 3.16)

  • Python3 (>= 3.2)

  • LAPACK/BLAS libraries (or compatible equivalents)

  • libXC library with f03 interface (version >=6.0.0)

Obtaining via Conda

The preferred way of obtaining SkProgs is to install it via the conda package management framework using Miniconda <>_ or Anaconda <>_. Make sure to add/enable the conda-forge channel in order to be able to access SkProgs::

conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict

We recommend to set up a dedicated conda environment and to use the mamba solver <>_ ::

conda create --name skprogs conda activate skprogs conda install conda-libmamba-solver conda config --set solver libmamba

to install the latest stable release of SkProgs (Fortran and Python components)::

mamba install skprogs skprogs-python

Building from source

Follow the usual CMake build workflow:

  • Configure the project, specify your compilers (e.g. gfortran), the install location (i.e. path stored in YOUR_SKPROGS_INSTALL_FOLDER, e.g. $HOME/opt/skprogs) and the build directory (e.g. _build)::


    If libXC is installed in a non-standard location, you may need to specify either the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable (if libXC was built with CMake) or the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable (if libXC was built with autotools) in order to guide the library search::



  • If the configuration was successful, build the code ::

    cmake --build _build -- -j

  • After successful build, you should test the code by running ::

    pushd _build ctest -j popd

  • If the tests were successful, install the package via ::

    cmake --install _build

Building libXC from source

Follow the usual CMake build workflow:

  • Clone the official libXC repository and checkout the latest release tag, e.g. 6.2.2::

    git clone libxc cd libxc/ git checkout 6.2.2

  • Configure the project, specify your compilers (e.g. gfortran and gcc), the install location (i.e. path stored in YOUR_LIBXC_INSTALL_FOLDER, e.g. $HOME/opt/libxc) and the build directory (e.g. _build)::

  • If the configuration was successful, build the code ::

    cmake --build _build -- -j

  • After successful build, you should test the code by running ::

    pushd _build ctest -j popd

  • If the tests were successful, install the package via ::

    cmake --install _build

Advanced build configuration

Controlling the toolchain file selection

You can override the toolchain file, and select a different provided case, passing the -DTOOLCHAIN option with the relevant name, e.g.::


or ::


or by setting the toolchain name in the SKPROGS_TOOLCHAIN environment variable. If you want to load an external toolchain file instead of one from the source tree, you can specify the file path with the -DTOOLCHAIN_FILE option ::


or with the SKPROGS_TOOLCHAIN_FILE environment variable.

Similarly, you can also use an alternative build config file instead of config.cmake in the source tree by specifying it with the -DBUILD_CONFIG_FILE option or by defining the SKPROGS_BUILD_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

Generating SK-files

The basic steps of generating the electronic part of the SK-tables are as follows:

  • If you have build SkProgs from source, initialize the necessary environment variables by sourceing the script (provided you have BASH or a compatible shell, otherwise inspect the script and set up the environment variables manually)::

    source <SKPROGS_INSTALL_FOLDER>/bin/

  • Then create a file skdef.hsd containing the definitions for the elements and element pairs you wish to create. See the examples/ folder for some examples.

  • Run the skgen script to create the SK-tables. For example, in order to generate the electronic part of the SK-tables for C, H and O with dummy (zero) repulsives added, issue ::

    skgen -o slateratom -t sktwocnt sktable -d C,H,O C,H,O

    The SK-files will be created in the current folder. See the help (e.g. skgen -h) for additional options.

Further documentation will be presented in a separate document later.


SkProgs is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the files COPYING <COPYING>_ and COPYING.LESSER <COPYING.LESSER>_ for the detailed licensing conditions.

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