Results 57 comments of DFST

> The expected behavior is that these cases both work, but in the first case, the verification call hangs forever and never returns a boolean. The second case works as...

> Could be the SRS? In my example, if I remove the following files from the cache: ``` wrap-pk-proverx wrap-pk-proverx.header wrap-vk-proverx wrap-vk-proverx.header ``` verify() runs successfully. If I keep those...

> that is when you compile before verifying right? Yes, that's right. Removing any other files does not affect the behavior; the process still hangs.

I would recommend to compare backend and web TypeScript settings, in particular: ``` "compilerOptions": { "composite": true, "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "strictPropertyInitialization": false } ```

You can also try to downgrade typescript libraries; I've seen the same errors after upgrading to the last versions: https://discord.com/channels/484437221055922177/1176450974873813073/1177569477521584179

Yes, `let packed = PackedType.pack(Bool(true));` works without error, although TypeScript shows that the argument should be of the type Bool[]: ![Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 18 42 36](https://github.com/o1-labs/o1js/assets/110384358/2b131d71-1b76-499a-9c4b-8183cd86994f) How can I pack...

@mitschabaude, how is it possible to properly type the class that extends Struct? I would like to replace any with proper typing in the safe Struct serializing function. ```typescript export...

> In case of Merkle Tree, the json file might be too large. I agree; the files are quite large. You can make them smaller by using radix 36 and...

It seems like feePayer.lazyAuthorization is not being exported and imported