Results 57 comments of DFST

Running this test produces every time different verification key: ```typescript import { describe, expect, it } from "@jest/globals"; import { Field, SmartContract, method, state, State, Mina } from "o1js"; export...

@mitschabaude Can you please, when fixing it, also take into consideration that: 1) As I understand, I need to call `fetchLastBlock()` to get the correct timestamp. `fetchLastBlock()` works on devnet...

> I don't follow, why wouldn't you just get the current timestamp with `Date.now()` or something? As I understand, if I want to compare timestamp with some time in provable...

It was tested using the code in https://github.com/dfstio/minanft-lib/blob/large-contract/test/nftupdate.test.ts; one can clone the branch large-contract of the repo and run ```typescript yarn test nftupdate.test ``` The last message before the process...

On the first iterations, the RSS is 4444 MB: ``` console.log Updating, iteration 2... at Object. (test/nftupdate.test.ts:169:15) console.log Creating proofs... at MinaNFT.generateProof (src/minanft.ts:475:13) console.time Proofs created: 95195 ms at MinaNFT.generateProof...

My last tests with o1js 0.17.0 show that the prover hangs out after the garbage collection cycle, decreasing the use of RSS memory by more than 300 MB. For example,...

Will it be enough to replace the code ```typescript if (i === -1) { // private key is missing, but we are not throwing an error here // there is...

You can use checkZkappTransaction()

@Trivo25 I saw this error last time when I amended the contract code and forgot to upgrade the verification key. It resulted from the calling tx.send() or tx.prove() in o1js....

@Trivo25 I've emulated the error by changing the contract code again, and the error occurs on tx.send(): ``` [2:47:56 PM] Error: Failed to send transaction { statusCode: 200, statusText: `Couldn't...