> > 试试这个 > > []( > > 还是不能启动WIFI 看来只有sub-id是1028或者106b的wifi才能驱动。
> * the files that I had reshared before were for osx 10.13.6 and 10.14, I know that for osx 10.15 they are not good. > * I tried your...
With 5 pins masked on t450s, dw1820a may not be detected in pci devices, you can try only masking the 2 pins on the back side.
> > > > > > > > > > 刚测试过,加载ssdt-wifi后,在系统报告中可以看到pci设备并且已经驱动的状态,在偏好设置-网络--没有wifi,在hackintool中也显示网卡没有驱动上。尝试着将sst-wifi中的 106b 改成17aa,但是现象依旧. 现在测试这张卡是cn-0vw3t3 bcm94350zae_2 准备测试另一张cn-08kpf4 bcm94356zepa50dx_2 ssdt-wifi是用来仿冒无线设备的。你这个卡在windows下驱动情况如何。