gulp-jasmine-phantom copied to clipboard
Gulp plugin to run Jasmine tests with Phantom or mininodejasmine2.
This should fix the Windows specific path issues that @mnr1 was seeing after #66 was merged in. Also, this is the alternative to #70 that does not require us to...
This gulp plugin has been my saving grace for running Jasmine tests. I was originally using the [jasmine-maven-plugin]( along with the [phantomjs-maven-plugin]( To get them to work, I had to...
It would be nice to have an alternative JUnit reporter. It would allow me interface my test suites in Atlassian's Bamboo.
I am using [email protected] to write unit tests. This is my gulp task: ``` gulp.task('test:unit-test', function() { return gulp.src('test/unit/activity/Activity.spec.js') .pipe(jasmine({ integration: true, keepRunner: './', vendor:[ 'jspm_packages/system.js', 'system.config.js', 'test/activity/loader/debug-config.js' ], specHtml:...
Allows user to specify a property named `phantomArguments` who's value is an Object literal of valid PhantomJS command-line arguments.
Create a solution for possible test timeouts and needed options.
Based off of #32 there needs to be alternative options allowed for different installations of `phantomjs` as well as configurable flags to be passed along to the execution of `phantomjs`