Same problem here. Can not control LedFX anymore.
Is there any progress with this?
It would be awesome if it would be possible to use Jellycon with Embuary.
Yeah, that would really be a great feature.
I now noticed, that the spotify plugin copys the volume level of volumio. This is a problem, because with my hifiberry amp 2 volumio controls the volume of the hardware...
> I couldn't help myself. Two bin files: [fw_1000.bin.gz](https://github.com/yaourdt/tasmota-to-mgos/files/10899269/fw_1000.bin.gz) [fw_7000.bin.gz](https://github.com/yaourdt/tasmota-to-mgos/files/10899270/fw_7000.bin.gz) > > I can only upload gzipped files, but i think Tasmota supports those. Use them at your own risk....
But you can simply clone this repository and there are the files in the folder 'binaries'. Flashing those does work. I had to shellys to flash to stock.