0x44 0x46

Results 30 issues of 0x44 0x46

Both for current testing strategies and proposed

A comment from a talk I did (my first presentation): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rRKisfxbug&feature=related > Other than HTML & CSS, what skills are needed to be a front end developer?


Make sure http://www.betterfrontend.com works in all browsers. Including mobile.

What's the best technique for implementing jQuery mobile? Should you redirect based on browser type or ?

Write up examples for best-practices on responsive design

Each file is lacking a table of contents and basic hierarchy.


What's the best way to name your selectors?


What's the best way to format definitions in selectors? Not caring? A-z? Context?


Need convention examples for /javascripts/

My user object is only being populated with `services.slack.id` and `services.slack.accessToken` how to get all the other ones defined here: https://github.com/acemtp/meteor-accounts-slack/blob/master/slack_server.js ?