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Internet Computer Developer Portal
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Hi, for this code: export MINTER=$(dfx identity get-principal) export TOKEN_NAME="My Token" export TOKEN_SYMBOL="MYTO" export PRE_MINTED_TOKENS=10_000_000_000 export TRANSFER_FEE=10_000 export DEFAULT=$(dfx identity get-principal) export ARCHIVE_CONTROLLER=$(dfx identity get-principal) export TRIGGER_THRESHOLD=2000 export NUM_OF_BLOCK_TO_ARCHIVE=1000 export...
Hi, in the icrc-1 ledger-setup documentation: https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/defi/icrc-1/icrc1-ledger-setup there are some items which could be improved: step-2: which language and settings should the new project be created? step-3: It talks about...
Thank you for your contribution to the IC Developer Portal. Before submitting your Pull Request, please make sure that: - [ ] You have updated the [`.github/CODEOWNERS`](https://github.com/dfinity/portal/blob/master/.github/CODEOWNERS) file according to...
New design based on: https://www.figma.com/file/4QNgQZciSxhF227kNnH9q3/Dev-Docs?type=design&node-id=222-5526&mode=design&t=Lmt6u7jmjrKVCWfC-0
Thank you for your contribution to the IC Developer Portal. Before submitting your Pull Request, please make sure that: - [ ] You have updated the [`.github/CODEOWNERS`](https://github.com/dfinity/portal/blob/master/.github/CODEOWNERS) file according to...
Added errors: Instruction limit exceeded Trapped Trapped Explicitly Wasm module not found Out of memory Reserved pages for old Motoko Slice overrun Memory access limit exceeded Insufficient cycles in memory...
[🎉 MSQ Hits The MetaMask Snap Store!](https://forum.dfinity.org/t/msq-hits-the-metamask-snap-store/30499)
Updated what is IC page