Daniel Filan
Daniel Filan
Adding to the mystery, there is a file named `vec_normalize.pkl` in [the huggingface repo](https://huggingface.co/HumanCompatibleAI/ppo-seals-Ant-v0/tree/main)
So, it looks like the core thing is that on my local machine, the directory cited really does have a `vec_normalize.pkl` file: ``` [16:46:30] daniel@sanrensei:~/imitation$ ls ~/.cache/huggingface/hub/models--HumanCompatibleAI--ppo-seals-Ant-v0/snapshots/43aec0ff92a5a0a0b415c7d7d061abd746e67af1/ args.yml env_kwargs.yml train_eval_metrics.zip...
Yes - `pip show huggingface-sb3` says it's version 2.2.3 on both.
I should say that 'my recent reverted commits' refer to commits b2bcb40 and 2bf4dee.
So, that causes some tests to fail. Once you fix that problem, then tests fail because they're expecting to see a `.npz` file somewhere but can't find it - I...
I think that's probably what's going on.
@ernestum @AdamGleave I think this involves your recent PR?
Not blocking me, realized that I can just install the Hugging Face package.
In `experiments/imit_benchmark.sh` it's just being suggested as a way to upload models, right?
It's proven tricky for me to get tests working for DAgger, AIRL, and GAIL, and it's low-priority for the project that I'm currently working on, so I'll stop working on...