Andrei Zhabinski

Results 42 issues of Andrei Zhabinski

I feel like I'm constantly doing double work to translate expressions from Einstein notation to vectorized and to buffered notations. It's not only annoying, but also error-prone. The main question...

Currently we generate derivative functions that are bound to input sizes. If input size changes, user needs to repeat differentiation process which may be costly. Rather than put it on...

Just to track the most important parts that need to be documented: - [x] derivative of an expression - [x] derivative of a function - [ ] gradient vs. Jacobian,...

Although preferred way to express iteration is through aggregation functions, we may still encounter loops in 3rd party code and it would be nice to support at least simple ones....

Here's a `@dynamo` I use to trace code execution (full MWE below): ```julia @dynamo function (t::IRTracer)(fargs...) ir = IR(fargs...) ir == nothing && return # intrinsic functions for (v, st)...

1. Travis now supports `language: julia` entry, so it's possible to replace previous `language: cpp` and manual julia installation with this entry. 2. Currently tests are failing on Travis, would...

It looks like finite difference implementation has hard time going through `iterate` (see MRE and full stacktrace below): ```julia juia> test_rrule(Base.iterate, (3.0, 5.0); check_inferred=false) test_rrule: iterate on Float64,Float64: Error During...


### System Info - `transformers` version: 4.38.1 - Platform: Linux-6.2.0-1019-azure-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 - Python version: 3.10.12 - Huggingface_hub version: 0.21.1 - Safetensors version: 0.4.2 - Accelerate version: 0.27.2 - Accelerate config: not...

Good Difficult Issue

Is it possible, given instance of `DelaunayTriangle`, to retrieve indexes of original points, making its vertices? For example, if we added 20 points, and first triangle is made by points...
