Andrei Zhabinski

Results 180 comments of Andrei Zhabinski

So are you looking for a way to add custom JARs? If so, we have [`add_jar`]({Spark.SparkContext,AbstractString}) function for `SparkContext`, and there should be a similar way to add jars to...

You can try something like: ```julia config = Dict("spark.jars.packages" => "...") spark = SparkSession(..., config=config) ``` This should be equivalent to set this config via `spark-submit`.

It's almost correct! The mistake is that `SparkContext.sequenceFile()` also [requires]( at least `keyClass` and `valueClass` arguments: ```julia using JavaCall # make sure we read the signature correctly listmethods(sc.jsc, "sequenceFile") #...

Just to make sure, in your sequence file both - keys and values - are strings, right? Because I used JString just as an example class :D

I had to refresh my memory about the [Reflection API]( a bit, but it turns out we already have the convenient function to create instance of a `Class` - `classforname`....

I understand the error, but I don't see an immediate solution. In your code you call `.toString` on the `JavaPairRDD` object, which is a single string "JavaPairRDD...". The solution you...

@JuliaRegistrator register

Hi, It looks like installation issue, maybe the driver knows about Spark.jl but workers don't or something like this. How did you install the package? For example, did you just...

> Rookie question, but am I right in saying I don't have to install Spark separately by downloading from ? I'm assuming Spark.jl compiles and installs Spark itself. (big...

The first error might be related to Julia version. Is it possible for you to try the same code on Julia 1.0? Second error is most likely just an indication...