Andrei Zhabinski

Results 180 comments of Andrei Zhabinski

@JuliaRegistrator register

Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I've received notification about the issue and will look at it tomorrow evening. For context, this kind of errors ("Can't find...

Ok, I've found a bug in Yota and partially fixed it, but another, more tricky issue appeared. I think I will need a few days to make sure both -...

Yeah, logs of unsatisfiable requirements look a bit messy for me too, but can be decoded to some degree. Here's the shortened version of your log: ``` ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements...

By the way, I'm currently in the process of renaming Lilith to Avalon. Same package, same guarantees, just another name which easier to type and pronounce (you won't believe how...

A funny fact about Lilith.jl is that it's named not after Lilith from the Bible, but instead after a much [weirder creature]( - I was in a pretty bad mood...

As far as I remember, my initial idea was that multinomial NB uses object counts as features, and counts can't be non-integer. But now I realize it might be too...

Tried `Float64`/`Real` for feature "counts" in `multinomial-nb-with-real-counts` branch - technically it works, but I'm still somewhat suspicious about the concept. At least I need to read through the code once...

After several iterations of updates I now think that it might be easier to rewrite the code to Julia 1.x entirely (current version is essentially written for Julia 0.4 with...

Could you please describe what kind of issues you got with the `kafka_poll` timer? I may have misused the `Timer` type, but I think we still need to call `kafka_poll`...