ngx-image-compress copied to clipboard
Angular library for uploading and compressing images
I tested out the `this.imageCompress.uploadFileOrReject()` on desktop, and when I dont select a file, the rejection is handled properly in `catch` block but when I tried the same thing in...
Hi David When uploading file as per windows File size is 1.56 MB.  But on running Ngx Compress the byte count is coming at 10 MB. In debug mode...
Hello. I use compress method directly and don't use your upload method, instead i use classic file input and a custom drag and drop directive. So i must convert File...
I'm using this plugin for compression in an ionic project, and whenever I upload images from the camera or gallery, I get black images. I used the ionic camera plugin...
If I load a gif it is converted into a static image. Is there a way to exclude gif images from the compress process?
@davi01100100 @gethinoakes @dfa1234 @byronigoe @davi01100100 I am using ngx-image-compress-legacy plugin for my angular project(Angular verision 8) . Plugin works in local host when ng serve. but it throws error when...
I need to compress an image and get compressed image with a max size. I have the image uploaded before, then I can not use `uploadAndGetImageWithMaxSize()`, then I use directly...
Issue happening only in tablets after upgrade to Angular 14 to 16 & Browser Upgrade from Firefox 78 to 119.
Hello guys, i found a error, when i use the image compress in a input connected a Label, the Pop-up windows opens twices. ``` ``` i cannot change the label...
Uploading a huge image to the demo site ( in the "Upload and Compress Image", it'll take a long time to finish if some extensions or libs change the prototype...