Thanks Nope not there. That install time is the image building process and the order looks correct. Also where are the other patches? # cat /opt/arcgis/portal/.ESRI_P_PATCH_LOG #START QFE_ID: PFA-1091-P-931B QFE_TYPE:...
I had both "patches" and "local_patches" in an attempt to download patches on the fly rather than have them pre-downloaded. Its not clear what the relationship is. Local_patches seems to...
I tried on Ubuntu 20.04 - same result. I interrupted the build and had a look at the /opt/software/archives/patches folder and it simply does not download it. I did not...
I have not tested 4.2.0 yet. But the workaround if yo uhave to patch manually is create the $HOME/esri.properties.* file: `$ vi $HOME/.ESRI.properties.ip-.10.9.1` Replace with your IP address with hyphens,...
I have not been able to test on 4.2.0+ yet, however an update - the Chrome/Edge 127 patch works on 4.0.0, namely ArcGIS-1091-PFA-AD-Patch-linux.tar. However if you then manually run patchnotification,...