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My solutions to ALL exercises on Think Python book

Think Python solutions

  • Author: Dex D. Hunter

  • Copyright 2017 Dex D. Hunter

  • License: Foo

Hi there! This is my approach to think python written by Allen Downey. You can see his book there and code there and I adapted his answers in some of solutions (see my code to find out where). To find a particular exercise, you can search through the index. Cheers!

Exercise Index (Bold for Important or Interesting Exercises)

  • 3-1 right_justify
  • 3-2 do_twice, do_four, print_twice, etc
  • 3-3 draw_4x4_grid
  • 4-1 stack diagram for circle(bob, radius)
  • 4-2 draw flower with turtleWorld
  • 4-3 draw pies
  • 4-4 draw letters
  • 4-5 draw spirals
  • 5-1 time convert
  • 5-2 implementation of Fermat's Last Theorem
  • 5-3 triangle check
  • 5-4 stack diagram on recursive function
  • 5-5 read koch recursive function
  • 5-6 draw Koch curve and snowflake
  • 6-1 stack diagram for calling functions
  • 6-2 Ackermann function with simple control flow
  • 6-3 palindrome check
  • 6-4 is_power check
  • 6-5 the great common divisor(GCD) calculator
  • 7-1 test square root with math module
  • 7-2 eval function in loop
  • 7-3 Srinivasa Ramanujan's estimation of pi
  • 8-1 experiments with string methods
  • 8-2 count 'a' in 'banana'
  • 8-3 one line is_palindrome
  • 8-4 explanation of 5 functions
  • 8-5 rotate by n characters
  • 9-1 read words.txt
  • 9-2 has_no_e
  • 9-3 avoids and forbidden letters
  • 9-4 uses_only
  • 9-5 uses_all(inverse of uses_only)
  • 9-6 is_abecedarian checks string's alphabetic order
  • 9-7 cartalk1: find consecutive double words
  • 9-8 cartalk2: find self-palindromic numbers
  • 9-9 cartalk3: find my and mom's age
  • 10-1 nested_sum
  • 10-2 cumsum (cumulative sum)
  • 10-3 middle, which takes a list without first and last element
  • 10-4 chop, same as middle but returns None
  • 10-5 is_sorted, check list in ascending order
  • 10-6 is_anagram
  • 10-7 has_duplicates
  • 10-8 Birthday_paradox
  • 10-9 two methods to add elements to list
  • 10-10 check whether a word is in the list with in operator and bisect
  • 10-11 reverse_pair
  • 10-12 interlock
  • 11-1 store words in words.txt as dictionary
  • 11-2 inverse_dict with setdefault method
  • 11-3 ackmann_memo
  • 11-4 dictionary version of has_duplicates
  • 11-5 dict version of rotate
  • 11-6 homophone (sound check)
  • 12-1 letter frequecy
  • 12-2 anagram search and sort
  • 12-3 metathesis pairs
  • 12-4 longest reducible words
  • 13-1 read a text file and breaks to words with stripped string.puncutation and string.whitespace
  • 13-2 read a text file from project Gutenberg and count number of words
  • 13-3 count 20 most frequently used word
  • 13-4 subtract_version_1
  • 13-5 choose_from_hist
  • 13-6 subtract_with_set
  • 13-7 choose_from_hist_version_2
  • 13-8 Markov analysis
  • 13-9 Zipf's law implementation
  • 14-1 a function reads a file and change the pattern string with replacement string and output the file
  • 14-2 store dictionary in a file and look up a dictionary from given file
  • 14-3 search a directory recursively and find out duplicates by md5sum check
  • 15-1 class and objects instantiation
  • 15-2 combine turtle and class, math proof for overlapping problem(back in 15-1)
  • 16-1 mul_time
  • 16-2 datetime, time, timedelta, etc manipulation
  • 17-1 rewrite time class in methods
  • 17-2 debug kangroo class (list initialization)
  • 18-1 UML diagram for PingPong
  • 18-2 deal_hand (Deck)
  • 18-3 add methods to PokerHand class has_pair, has_twopair
  • 19-1 conditional expression