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Provides an easy way to manage namespace of multiple URL endpoints in Swift.

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What's URLRouter πŸ“Ÿ

URLRouter is provides an easy way to manage multiple URL endpoints in Swift. It provides a simple interface for managing multiple endpoints and allows developers to interact with them in a single, unified manner. It also provides a way for developers to create custom endpoints DSL(Domain-Specific Languages) and to manage their own settings for each endpoint. Additionally, it provides a way to track the status of each endpoint and to easily detect any changes or updates that have been made.

Similar to Swift Evolution's Regex builder DSL, URL string literal and a more powerful pattern result builder to help make Swift URL string processing fast and easy and without mistakes. Ultimately, with URLRouter, changes are easy to detect and useful for maintenance.

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Installation πŸ“¦

  • Using Swift Package Manager

    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
      name: "SomeApp",
      dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/devyhan/URLRouter", majorVersion: "<LATEST_RELEASES_VERSION>"),

Configure URLRouter πŸ“

Implement URLs Namespace

  • To implement URLs namespace we create a new type that will house the domain and behavior of the URLs by conforming to URLRoutable.
import URLRouter

public enum URLs: URLRoutable {

HttpHeader declaration

  • Using HeaderBuilder to httpHeader declaration.
Request {
  Header {
    Field("HEADERVALUE", forKey: "HEADERKEY")
    Field("HEADERVALUE1", forKey: "HEADERKEY1")
    Field("HEADERVALUE2", forKey: "HEADERKEY2")
  • Using Dictionary to httpHeader declaration.
Request {

HttpBody declaration

  • Using HeaderBuilder to httpHeader declaration.
Request {
  Body {
    Field("VALUE", forKey: "KEY")
    Field("VALUE1", forKey: "KEY1")
    Field("VALUE2", forKey: "KEY2")
  • Using Dictionary<String, Any> to httpHeader declaration.
Request {
    "KEY": "VALUE",
    "KEY1": "VALUE1",
    "KEY2": "VALUE2",

HttpMethod declaration

  • Using Method(_ method:) to httpMethod declaration.
Request {
  • Using static let method: to httpMethod declaration.
Request {

URL declaration

  • Using URL(_ url:) to URL declaration.
Request {
  • Using URLBuilder to URL declaration and URLComponents declaration.
Request {
  URL {
    Query("postId", value: "1")
// https://www.baseurl.com/comments?postId=1
  • Using BaseURL(_ url:) for URL override.
Request {
  URL {
    Query("postId", value: "1")
// https://www.baseurl.com/comments?postId=1

Router {
  Request {
    URL {
      Query("postId", value: "1")
// https://www.overrideurl.com/comments?postId=1

URL Scheme declaration

  • Using Scheme(_ scheme:) to Scheme declaration.
Request {
  URL {
  • Using static let scheme: to Scheme declaration.
Request {
  URL {

URL Query declaration

  • Using Dictionary<String, String?> to Query declaration.
Request {
  URL {
        "first": "firstQuery",
        "second": "secondQuery",
  • Using Query(_, value:) to Query declaration.
Request {
  URL {
    Query("test", value: "query")
    Query("test", value: "query")
  • Using Field(_, forKey:) to Query declaration.
Request {
  URL {
    Query {
      Field("firstQuery", forKey: "first")
      Field("secondQuery", forKey: "second")

How to configure and use URLRouter in a real world project?

  • Just create URLRouter.swift in your project! Happy hacking! 😁
import URLRouter

enum URLs: URLRoutable {
  // DOC: https://docs.github.com/ko/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-organization-repositories
  case listOrganizationRepositories(organizationName: String)
  // DOC: https://docs.github.com/ko/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#create-an-organization-repository
  case createAnOrganizationRepository(organizationName: String, repositoryInfo: RepositoryInfo)
  // DOC: https://docs.github.com/ko/rest/search?apiVersion=2022-11-28#search-repositories
  case searchRepositories(query: String)
  case deeplink(path: String = "home")

  struct RepositoryInfo {
    let name: String
    let description: String
    let homePage: String
    let `private`: Bool
    let hasIssues: Bool
    let hasProjects: Bool
    let hasWiki: Bool
  var router: URLRouter {
    URLRouter {
      switch self {
      case let .listOrganizationRepositories(organizationName):
        Request {
          Header {
            Field("application/vnd.github+json", forKey: "Accept")
            Field("Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>", forKey: "Authorization")
            Field("2022-11-28", forKey: "X-GitHub-Api-Version")
          URL {
      case let .createAnOrganizationRepository(organizationName, repositoryInfo):
        Request {
          Header {
            Field("application/vnd.github+json", forKey: "Accept")
            Field("Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>", forKey: "Authorization")
            Field("2022-11-28", forKey: "X-GitHub-Api-Version")
          URL {
          Body {
            Field(repositoryInfo.name, forKey: "name")
            Field(repositoryInfo.description, forKey: "description")
            Field(repositoryInfo.homePage, forKey: "homepage")
            Field(repositoryInfo.private, forKey: "private")
            Field(repositoryInfo.hasIssues, forKey: "has_issues")
            Field(repositoryInfo.hasProjects, forKey: "has_projects")
            Field(repositoryInfo.hasWiki, forKey: "has_wiki")
      case let .searchRepositories(query):
        Request {
          Header {
            Field("application/vnd.github+json", forKey: "Accept")
            Field("Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>", forKey: "Authorization")
            Field("2022-11-28", forKey: "X-GitHub-Api-Version")
          URL {
            Query("q", value: query)
      case let .deeplink(path):
        URL {
          Query {
            Field("postId", forKey: "1")
            Field("createdAt", forKey: "2021-04-27T04:39:54.261Z")

// http://api.github.com/orgs/organization/repos
let listOrganizationRepositoriesUrl = URLs.listOrganizationRepositories(organizationName: "organization").router?.urlRequest?.url

// http://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=urlrouter
let searchRepositoriesUrl = URLs.searchRepositories(query: "urlrouter").router?.urlRequest?.url

// example-deeplink://detail/comments?1=postId&2021-04-27T04:39:54.261Z=createdA
let deeplink = URLs.deeplink(path: "detail").router.url
  • Using URLRouter to provide URLRequest.
let repositoryInfo: URLs.RepositoryInfo = .init(name: "Hello-World", description: "This is your first repository", homePage: "https://github.com", private: false, hasIssues: true, hasProjects: true, hasWiki: false)
let request = URLs.createAnOrganizationRepository(organizationName: "SomeOrganization", repositoryInfo: repositoryInfo).router?.urlRequest

URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in
  • Using URLRouter to provide deeplink URL and check to match this URL.
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any]) -> Bool {
    let detailDeeplink = URLs.deeplink(path: "detail").router.url
    if detailDeeplink == url {


URLRouter is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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