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A custom collection layout that allows to use Texture layout specs in ASCollectionNode.


ASCollectionFlexLayout is a custom collection layout that allows to use Texture layout specs in ASCollectionNode.



Creating a layout

let layout = ASCollectionFlexLayout()
layout.layoutProvider = self

let collectionNode = ASCollectionNode(collectionViewLayout: layout)

If you don't specify the layoutProvider, it will use a ASStackLayout as default.

Implementing ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider protocol

There are two kind of layout specs in ASCollectionFlexLayout:

  1. A layout for sections
  2. A Layout for items in a section

You can optionally provide each layout specs by implementing ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider protocol.

protocol ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider {
  /// A layout spec for sections. The default layout spec is a stretched stack layout with no spacing.
  func flexLayout(_ layout: ASCollectionFlexLayout, layoutSpecThatFits constrainedSize: ASSizeRange, sectionElements: [ASLayoutElement]) -> ASLayoutSpec?

  /// A layout spec for items in a section. The default layout spec is a flex-wrapping stack with no spacing.
  func flexLayout(_ layout: ASCollectionFlexLayout, layoutSpecThatFits constrainedSize: ASSizeRange, forSectionAt section: Int, itemElements: [ASLayoutElement]) -> ASLayoutSpec?

For example:

extension MyViewController: ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider {
  func flexLayout(_ layout: ASCollectionFlexLayout, layoutSpecThatFits constrainedSize: ASSizeRange, sectionElements: [ASLayoutElement]) -> ASLayoutSpec? {
    return ASStackLayoutSpec(
      direction: .vertical,
      spacing: 20,
      justifyContent: .start,
      alignItems: .start,
      children: sectionElements

  func flexLayout(_ layout: ASCollectionFlexLayout, layoutSpecThatFits constrainedSize: ASSizeRange, forSectionAt section: Int, itemElements: [ASLayoutElement]) -> ASLayoutSpec? {
    return ASStackLayoutSpec(
      direction: .horizontal,
      spacing: 10,
      justifyContent: .start,
      alignItems: .start,
      flexWrap: .wrap,
      alignContent: .start,
      lineSpacing: 10,
      children: itemElements

Using the default layout

You can modify the default layout to apply layout without implementing ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider protocol.

let layout = ASCollectionFlexLayout()
layout.defaultSectionLayout.alignItems = .center
layout.defaultItemLayout.direction = .vertical
layout.defaultItemLayout.alignItems = .stretch

Also you can directly refer to the default layout in the ASCollectionFlexLayoutProvider protocol implementation.

func flexLayout(_ layout: ASCollectionFlexLayout, layoutSpecThatFits constrainedSize: ASSizeRange, forSectionAt section: Int, itemElements: [ASLayoutElement]) -> ASLayoutSpec? {
  let insets = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 20)
  return ASInsetLayoutSpec(insets: insets, child: layout.defaultItemLayout)


ASCollectionFlexLayout is under MIT license. See the LICENSE for more info.