dockerfile-x copied to clipboard
Dockerfile factorization superset
The startsWith('/') heuristic does not work in windows. Instead, rely on the portable path.isAbsolute node call.
Minimal repro: ``` # syntax = devthefuture/dockerfile-x:v1.3.4 FROM alpine ARG TARGETARCH RUN echo $TARGETARCH > /root/targetarch.txt CMD [ "cat" , "/root/targetarch.txt" ] ``` When running this container, instead of amd64,...
Hi! Thank you for this project. I have problems when I try to separate my build to several stages using Relative FROM. It seems like that this feature cause relative...
Currently, the INCLUDE and FROM do not work with supplied build-args, eg.: ``` ARG BASE_DOCKERFILE INCLUDE ./path/${BASE_DOCKERFILE} ``` or ``` ARG BASE_DOCKERFILE FROM ./path/${BASE_DOCKERFILE} ``` This is in contrast to...
I think the current implementation only allows including from files, how about also allow including from an URL? Then the partial files could reside in a git repository or artifactory...