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DevStaff: A Developer Community in Crete
A Developer Community in Crete
There's a lot of us, devs, here in Crete. Yet, we hardly ever get together in large groups, or even know each other – somewhat strange for our small community, we hope you'll agree. This group is an attempt at bringing us all together for informal chats about what we're all passionate about: technology and software. Join the meetup, learn, teach, speak your mind, sharpen your skills, share the knowledge and help us build a community where devs can openly exchange ideas!
Don't know where to start? Are you new to git and MeetUp? Here is a short intro about the tools we use: Start Here!
You just want to join the group? Great! Join our MeetUp group or find us live on: Slack
Want to contribute? Check the Contributing Guidelines and the Code of Conduct and send a pull request!
Curious about what's next? Check the topic voting analytics!
Want to be social? Find us on: Twitter, YouTube, MeetUp, LinkedIn, and facebook.
MeetUps :speaker:
The list of all MeetUps held by date:
Subscribe to our calendar and stay informed.
Hack Sessions :video_game:
You can organize your own hack session anytime.
The list of all Hack Sessions held by date:
Date | Title & Link |
23/01/2019 | Unix CLI / Bash Scripting |
17/10/2018 | How to develop a Distributed App on Ethereum |
03/07/2018 | Kubernetes for Application Developers |
07/06/2018 | Docker Level 2 |
31/05/2018 | Docker Level 1 |
19/01/2018 | Git: Beyond the Basics |
19/09/2017 | Ansible Hack Session #1 |
01/12/2016 | Django Hack Session |
01/09/2016 | Hashicorp Vault, AWS KMS, Chef/Ansible Vault, Consul |
12/01/2016 | Tor Hack Session |
01/12/2015 | Docker Hack Session |
More hack sessions have been organized, but they are missing from this list. If you know any, please help adding them by submitting a Pull Request.
Projects :construction:
Find Open Source Software and Projects currently developed by DevStaff Members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.
Job Postings :postal_horn:
Check the job openings, posted by DevStaff members. You can add your own by sending us a pull request.
Org Meetups
An org meetup is a simple get-together, open to every member of our community who would like to contribute / discuss some organizational issues, future topics etc. Also a good opportunity to chat about all-things-tech :)
DevStaff is an open community. Open, as in Open Source. If you don't like anything about the community you can change it!
Hint: Decisions are made in Org Meetups ;)
Shared Documents :book:
The documents section contains a list of general purpose documents (e.g. legal, business, presentations, etc.) that DevStaff members have freely shared to be used by others in the community. Sharing is caring, so please open a PR with any documents you might have that you feel other DevStaff members could use!
Chat Rooms :speech_balloon:
The community uses a few different chatrooms based on Slack for our online daily chat. You can find there the latest tech news, interesting articles, random pieces of information and a lot of heated discussions! Drop an email to [email protected], so we can send you an invite, or just click here.