jasmine-dom-custom-matchers icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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jasmine 2.0 DOM custom matchers comparing relations, attributes, styles and states of html element and text nodes

In This Documentation

  1. Description
  2. Browser Support
  3. Methods
  4. Tips
  5. Implementation
  6. How to use
  7. See also
  8. License


How does jasmine-dom-custom-matchers work?

A custom matchers syntax has changed with the release of jasmine 2.0. This library provides 19 custom matchers adapted to the new way of matchers constructing. It allows you to compare DOM Objects relations and states.

What can I use jasmine-dom-custom-matchers for?
  • to check if the actual parameter is HTML Element [see below]
  • to check if the actual parameter is HTML Text [see below]
  • to check if the HTML Element or HTML Text is appended to the document [see below]
  • to check if the expected HTML Element is a descendant of actual HTML Element [see below]
  • to check if actual HTML Element or its HTML Element descendants contain expected text [see below]
  • to check if expected Node is a child of actual Node [see below]
  • to check if actual is n-th child of its parent [see below]
  • to check if expected Node is a parent of actual Node [see below]
  • to check i actual and expected nodes have got the same HTML Element parent [see below]
  • to check if actual HTML Element has got any HTML Element children [see below]
  • to check if actual HTML Element is the next sibling of expected HTML Element [see below]
  • to check if actual HTML Element is the previous sibling of expected HTML Element [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element is empty (has not got any HTML ELement and HTML Text nodes) [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element has got any attributes defined [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element has got expected attribute (or expected attribute of expected value) [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element has got expected class [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element (DOM node) has got expected style (computed style) [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element (DOM node) has got expected color (computed style) [see below]
  • to check if HTML Element has got expected event attached [see below]
DOM Custom Matchers list
  • expect(actual).toBeHTMLElement(name) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeHTMLText(content) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeDocumentNode() [see below]
  • expect(actual).toContainHTMLElement(descendant) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toContainText(content) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeChildOf(parent) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeNthChild(index) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeParentOf(child) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveSameParent(node) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(numOfChildren) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeNextSiblingOf(expected) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBePreviousSiblingOf(expected) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toBeEmpty() [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveAnyAttribute() [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveAttribute(name,value) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveClass(class) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveComputedStyle(prop,value) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveComputedColor(prop,value) [see below]
  • expect(actual).toHaveEvent(event) [see below]
Where can I check how jasmine-dom-custom-matchers work?

Examine the Samples described below to find out how you can use DOM custom matchers.

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox IE Edge Safari Opera iOS Safari Opera Mini
4+ 2+ 9-11 12+ 3.1+ 9+ 3.2+ all


  • check if actual is [HTML Element] Object.
  • name parameter is optional
  • name parameter if passed, must be of type [String]
  • name parameter if passed, the matcher checks if actual is a [HTML Element] Object of expected tag name name
  • name parameter if passed but not of type [String], is ignored as if it was not passed (matcher checks if actual is [HTML Element] Object regardless its tag name)
  • returns false if actual is not the [HTML Element] Object
  • returns false if actual is [HTML Element] Object but of not expected tag name name (if passed)
  • return true if actual is [HTML Element] Object
  • return true if actual is [HTML Element] Object of expected name (if passed)
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Element] Object is appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual is [HTML Text] Object.
  • content parameter is optional
  • content parameter if passed, must be of type [String] or [RegExp]
  • if the content is of type [String] the matcher checks the equality of the actual text content and expected content
  • if the content is of type [RegExp] the matcher use String.prototype.match() to check if the actual text content matches the expected content regular expression
  • content parameter if passed but not of type [String] or [RegExp], is ignored as if it was not passed (matcher checks if actual is [HTML Text] Object regardless its content)
  • returns false if actual is not the [HTML Text] Object
  • returns false if actual is [HTML Text] Object but does not match expected content (if passed)
  • return true if actual is [HTML Text] Object
  • return true if both actual is [HTML Text] Object and matches expected content (if passed)
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Text] Object is appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual is a [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object appended into DOM Tree
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object or if it is not appended into DOM Tree
  • returns true if actual is [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object appended into DOM Tree
  • check if actual HTML Element contains expected descendant
  • both actual and descendant must be [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual or descendant is not the [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual does not contain descendant
  • return false if actual and descendant is the same object
  • return true if descendant is a child node of actual
  • return true if descendant is a farther descendant of actual
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Element] Object and its expected descendant are appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object and all its descendants contain or match expected textual content
  • content must be of type [String] or [RegEx]
  • if actual contains multiple of [HTML Text] descendants, it is normalized (empty [HTML Text] nodes and multi spaces are removed from the text) before being compared with expected content text
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or if content is not of type [String] or [RegEx]
  • return false if actual does not contain or match the text or regular expression passed in content
  • return true if actual contains or matches the text or regular expression passed in content
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Element] Object is appended to the DOM or not

to check whether the [HTML Text] Object equals text content, use toBeHTMLText(content) with expected text content

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object is a children of parent [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object
  • return false if parent is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual is not a direct child node of parent
  • return false if actual and parent is the same object
  • return true if actual is the direct child node of parent
  • return true regardless actual and parent are appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has expected index in the collection of child nodes of actual's parent [HTML Element] Object
  • index must be of type [Number] equal or greater than 0 or of the [String] value: last
  • expect(actual).toBeNthChild(0) the matcher checks if actual is the first child node of its parent
  • expect(actual).toBeNthChild(1) the matcher checks if actual is the second child node of its parent
  • expect(actual).toBeNthChild('last') the matcher checks if actual is the last child node of its parent
  • it ignores [HTML Text] and [HTML Comment] Objects when getting the collection od child nodes
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if index is not of type [Number] greater than 0 or if is not of 'last' value
  • return false if actual is not at expected index inside its [HTML Element] parent
  • return false if actual has not got [HTML Element] parent
  • return true if actual is at expected index inside its [HTML Element] parent
  • return true regardless actual and its [HTML Element] parent are appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object is a parent of child [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if child is not [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object
  • return false if actual is not a direct parent node of child
  • return false if actual and child is the same object
  • return true if actual is the direct parent node of child
  • return true regardless actual and child are appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual and node are the children of the same [HTML Element] Object
  • actual and node must be of type [HTML Element] or [HTML Text]
  • return false if actual or node is not [HTML Element] or [HTML Text] Object
  • return false if actual and node are not the children of the same [HTML Element] Object
  • return true if actual and node are the children of the same [HTML Element] Object
  • return true regardless actual and node are appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object contains any [HTML Element] child nodes
  • it ignores [HTML Text] and [HTML Comment] Objects
  • numOfChildren is optional, if passed must be of type [Number] equal or greater than 0
  • numOfChildren, if passed the matcher checks if the number of actual child nodes equals to expected numOfChildren
  • if numOfChildren is not of type [Number] or is less than 0, it is ignored as if it was not passed
  • operator is optional, if passed must be the one of following [String] values: or more, or less, more than, less than
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(3) the matcher checks if actual has got 3 element nodes
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(3,'or more') the matcher checks if actual has got 3 or more than 3 element nodes
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(3,'or less') the matcher checks if actual has got 3 or less than 3 element nodes
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(3,'more than') the matcher checks if actual has got more than 3 element nodes
  • expect(actual).toHaveChildren(3,'less than') the matcher checks if actual has got less than 3 element nodes
  • if operator is not the one of indicated four values, it is ignored as if it was not passed
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual does not contain any [HTML Element] child nodes (if numOfChildren not passed)
  • return false if actual does not contain expected number of [HTML Element] child nodes (if numOfChildren|operator passed)
  • return true if actual contains at least one [HTML Element] child node (if numOfChildren not passed)
  • return true if actual contains expected number of [HTML Element] child nodes (if numOfChildren|operator passed)
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Element] Object is appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object is the next element sibling of expected [HTML Element] Object
  • both actual and expected must be of type [HTML Element]
  • it ignores [HTML Text] and [HTML Comment] sibling Objects
  • return false if actual or expected is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual is not the next element sibling of expected
  • return false if expected has not got any next element sibling
  • return true if actual is the next element sibling of expected
  • return true regardless actual and expected is appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object is the previous element sibling of expected [HTML Element] Object
  • both actual and expected must be of type [HTML Element]
  • it ignores [HTML Text] and [HTML Comment] sibling Objects
  • return false if actual or expected is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual is not the previous element sibling of expected
  • return false if expected has not got any previous element sibling
  • return true if actual is the previous element sibling of expected
  • return true regardless actual and expected is appended to the DOM or not
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has not got any [HTML Element] or [HTML Text] child nodes
  • it ignores [HTML Comment] Objects, empty text nodes, <br/> and <wbr/> tags
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual contains at least one [HTML Element] Object or [HTML Text] Object
  • return true if actual has not got any [HTML Element] or [HTML Text] descendant
  • return true regardless actual [HTML Element] Object is appended to the DOM or not

the difference between .toBeEmpty() matcher and .toHaveChildren() matcher is that .toBeEmpty() matcher checks if the actual [HTML Element] Object contains both [HTML Element] and [HTML Text] Objects when .toHaveChildren() matcher checks if the actual [HTML Element] Object contains only [HTML Element] Objects.

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has got any attribute defined
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object
  • return false if actual is has not got any attribute defined
  • return true if actual is has got at least one attribute defined
  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has expected attribute name of expected value
  • name must be of type [String]
  • value parameter is optional, if not passed, matcher checks if actual has expected attribute name regardless its value
  • value parameter if passed, must be of type [String] or of type [RegExp]
  • if value is not of type [String] or of type [RegExp], it is ignored as if it was not passed (matcher checks if actual has expected attribute name regardless its value)
  • if the value is of type [String] the matcher checks the equality of attribute's value and expected value
  • if the value is of type [RegExp] the matcher use String.prototype.match() to check if the attribute's value matches the expected regular expression value
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or if name is not of type [String]
  • return false if actual does not have expected attribute name (if value not passed)
  • return false if actual does not have expected attribute name of expected value (if value passed)
  • return true if actual has expected attribute name (if value not passed)
  • return true if actual has expected attribute name of expected value value (if value passed)
  • return true regardless actual is appended to the DOM or not

with appropriate /regular expression/ passed as value parameter it is possible to check whether class attribute contains expected class, but it is easier to achieve with .toHaveClass() custom matcher

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has got class attribute with expected value class from among the list of classes
  • class must be of type [String]
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or if class is not of type [String]
  • return false if actual has not got expected class set
  • return true if actual has got expected class set
  • return true regardless actual is appended to the DOM or not

to check whether [HTML Element] Object has got a class attribute defined regardless its values, use .toHaveAttribute('class') matcher

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object's computed prop style is of expected value
  • actual must be appended into the DOM tree, so that the [CSSStyleDeclaration] Object could be returned
  • prop must be of type [String] (both camelCase and hyphen-case are accepted)
  • value must be of type [String] or [RegExp]
  • if the value is of type [String] the matcher checks the equality of the computed style's value and expected value
  • if the value is of type [RegExp] the matcher use String.prototype.match() to check if the computed style's value matches the expected value regular expression
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or prop is not of type [String] or value is not of type [String] or [RegExp]
  • return false if returned [CSSStyleDeclaration] Object has not contain prop property
  • return false if actual has got the computed prop style of the different value than expected value
  • return true if actual has got the computed prop style of the same value as expected [String] value or if computed prop style matches expected [RegExp] value

in order to deal with the differences between browsers of returning computed style values, use regular expression .toHaveComputedStyle('propertyName',/(ms-value|moz-value|webkit-value)/)

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object's computed prop style is of expected value
  • the difference between toHaveComputedStyle() and toHaveComputedColor() is that toHaveComputedColor() is convenient to compare each CSS *-color property, which demand or return color value (background-color, border-bottom-color, color, box-shadow, text-shadow, outline-color, etc.)
  • the convenience is that you can expect the color value in the format of your choice (#HEX RGB() or HSL()), regardless which format the browser return as computed
  • actual must be appended into the DOM tree, so that the [CSSStyleDeclaration] Object could be returned
  • prop must be of type [String] (both camelCase and hyphen-case are accepted)
  • value must be of type [String] (in order to use [RegExp] value, use matcher toHaveComputedStyle('colorProp',/regEx/))
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or prop is not of type [String] or value is not of type [String]
  • return false if returned [CSSStyleDeclaration] Object has not contain prop property
  • return false if actual computed prop style does not match expected value color
  • return true if actual computed prop style matches expected value color

If the browser return rgb(255, 255, 0) 2px 2px 2px as computed 'box-shadow' style, the expected value rgb(255, 255, 0), rgba(255, 255, 0, 1), #ff0, #FFFF00, hsl(60, 100%, 50%) and hsla(60, 100%, 50%, 1) will return truthy result.

If the browser return rgba(255, 255, 0, .4) as computed 'color' style, the expected value rgba(255, 255, 0, .4) and hsla(60, 100%, 50%, .4) will return truthy result.

If the browser return rgba(255, 255, 0, .4) as computed 'color' style, the expected value rgb(255, 255, 0), #ff0, #FFFF00 and hsl(60, 100%, 50%) will return faulty result because the alpha parameter does not match.

Because of the differences between browsers, the alpha parameter of hsla() and rgba() formats is rounded to two digits after decimal point. The same result will be aimed with rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.23), rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.230445), rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2349999999)

  • check if actual [HTML Element] Object has got expected event attached
  • it does not detect events attached by addEventListener() method
  • <div onclick='fireClick'></div> this event will be detected
  • actual.onclick = fireClick this event will be detected
  • actual.addEventListener('click',fireClick) this event will not be detected
  • event must be of type [String] and must indicate expected event name, eg. click, mouseover, focuson, resize (both click and prefixed onclick syntax accepted)
  • return false if actual is not [HTML Element] Object or event is not of type [String]
  • return false if event is not recognized event name
  • return false if actual has not got expected event attached
  • return false if actual has got expected event attached by the addEventListener() method
  • return true if actual has got expected event attached
  • return true regardless actual is appended to the DOM or not


Each matcher demands accurate type of parameter value. The matcher check the actual and expected parameters' types before implementing the comparison and return false when value type is incorrect regardless the comparison result.

Compared [HTML Element] and [HTML Text] Objects do not have to be appended to the DOM tree in order to use DOM custom matcher. The comparison can be implemented for dynamically created elements in beforeEach(), beforeAll() or it() scope. Exception is .toBeDocumentNode() matcher which check if actual Object is appended to the DOM and .toHaveComputedStyle() .toHaveComputedColor() matchers which require the [HTML Element] Object to be appended to the DOM in order to return the expected computed style

In order to check whether two HTML Objects are the same objects use the native matcher expect(objectA).toBe(objectB)

In order to check whether two HTML Objects are equal objects use the native matcher expect(objectA).toEqual(objectB)


with NodeJS

npm install jasmine-dom-custom-matchers --save-dev

var matchers = require('jasmine-dom-custom-matchers'); //get the module

describe("The new DIV element", function() {
    beforeAll(function() {
        jasmine.addMatchers(matchers);  //set custom matchers for jasmine
        this.newDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
    it("should be empty.", function() {
        expect(this.newDiv).toBeEmpty();    //do the magic with new DOM matchers

You can use karma-html module to test your .html files in the karma browser runner [git] [npm]

with Karma

Use karma-jasmine-dom package [link] that adapts the jasmine-dom-custom-matchers package for karma.

with Browser

1. Load dom-matchers.js in html file
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine_favicon.png">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine-html.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jasmine/lib/jasmine-core/boot.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="dom-matchers.js"></script>

Any outer libraries needed. It is a fully JavaScript library.

2. Load custom matchers with jasmine.addMatchers in your tests files
describe("The new DIV element", function() {
  beforeAll(function() {
    //DOMCustomMatchers is the global window object got from dom-matchers.js
    this.newDiv = document.createElement('DIV');
  it("should be empty.", function() {
    expect(this.newDiv).toBeEmpty();    //do the magic with new DOM matchers

How to use

  • visit sample site and consider jasmine passed specs section (you can see how DOM custom matchers can be used)
  • consider the HTML source with the login panel sample
  • consider the <style> section with CSS styles for login panel
  • consider the tests.js source to figure out how matchers were implemented

See also

  • karma-html to test your .html files in the karma browser runner [git] [npm]
  • karma-jasmine-dom package to use jasmine-dom-custom-matchers with karma [npm]
  • jasmine custom matchers docs [link]
  • jasmine installation [link]


Released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2017 Paweł Rafałko [email protected]

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.