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Add Jakarta EE Main Node
Under JDK, I think there should has a Node Jakarta EE to cover all Jakarta EE sepc and popular implementations.
- Servlet -> Apache Tomcat, Eclipse Jetty
- Faces -> Eclipse EE4J Mojarra, Apache MyFaces, Omnifaces Utilities
- Rest -> RedHat Resteasy, Eclipse EE4J Jersey
- CDI -> Weld, Apache OpenBeans
- Persistence -> EclipseLink, Hibernate, (Apache OpenJPA, DataNucleus is not active)
- Validation -> Hibernate Validator
- Data -> EclipseLink, Hibernate
- Messaging -> Eclipse OpenMQ, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
- Security -> Eclipse Soteria
- JSONP/JSONB -> Eclipse JSONB/JSONP, Apache Johnzon
- Concurrency
- Transaction
- Mail/Activation
- Expression Language - Eclipse ExpressLy
Jakarta EE includes three profiles to categorize the above spec into different group:
- Platform
- Web Profile
- Core Profile
MicroProfile should be a sister project of Jakarta EE, it is based on Jakarta EE Core Profile, and currently almost all products use RedHat SmallRye
- Config
- Reactive Messaging
- RestClient
- Telemetry/Metrics/Health
- OpenAPI
- etc
The Jakarta EE runtimes/implementers include:
- Glassfish
- WildFLy
- OpenLiberty
- Apache TomEE
- Payara(an early fork from GlassFish, open source and commercial support)
Testing tools.
- Arquillian
- Rest Assured
- MicroShed
- WireMock
- Pact(CDC testing, Spring Cloud has a project named
Spring Cloud Contract
The derived projects and frameworks.
- Spring 6 traditional WebMvc aligned to Jakarta EE 9/10+
- Quarkus supports Jakarta EE 10 + MicroProfile
- Helidon supports partial Jakarta EE 10 + MicroProfile
- Micronaunt 4 has already aligned to Jakarta EE 10 and move to