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Kubernetes library for Robot Framework
RobotFramework library for testing Kubernetes cluster
Quick start
# install library itself
pip install robotframework-kubelibrary
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
# run example tests
pip install robotframework-requests
git clone https://github.com/devopsspiral/KubeLibrary.git
cd KubeLibrary
robot -e prerelease testcases
Example testcase
*** Settings ***
(1)Resource ./system_smoke_kw.robot
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
(3)Pods in kube-system are ok
(4) [Documentation] Test if all pods in kube-system initiated correctly and are running or succeeded
(5) [Tags] cluster smoke
(6) Given kubernetes API responds
(7) When getting all pods names in "kube-system"
(8) Then all pods in "kube-system" are running or succeeded
1 - keyword definitions in separate file relative to testcase file
2 - defining local variable taking value from environment variable
3 - testcase definition
4 - Documentation/comments
5 - Tags, you can include (-i) and exclude (-e) tests by tag.
6(7,8) - Given, When, Then clause. It is only way of organizing your test steps, given, when, then are just omitted, real keywords definition needs to match 'kubernetes API responds', 'getting all pods names in ...' etc.(see testcases/system_smoke_kw.robot)
7 - kube-system in quotes is treated as parameter for 'getting all pods names in ...' keyword.
More examples in testcases/ directory.
To see all the tests passing execute below commands.
Cluster Tests
# run cluster tests
robot -i cluster -e prerelease testcases/
Grafana Tests
helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update
helm install grafana grafana/grafana -f testcases/grafana/values.yaml
# run grafana tests
export KLIB_POD_PATTERN='grafana.*'
export KLIB_POD_ANNOTATIONS='{"kubelibrary":"testing"}'
export KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE=default
robot -i grafana -e prerelease testcases/
Other Tests
These tests require the kubelib-test helm-chart to be installed in your test cluster.
# run other library tests
export KLIB_POD_PATTERN='busybox.*'
export KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE=kubelib-tests
export KLIB_POD_LABELS='job-name=busybox-job'
kubectl create namespace $KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE
kubectl label namespaces kubelib-tests test=test
helm install kubelib-test ./test-objects-chart -n $KLIB_POD_NAMESPACE
robot -i other -e prerelease testcases/
Multi Cluster Tests
These tests require more than one cluster and utilize KinD as a setup. Download KinD and install it.
# Create Test Cluster 1
kind create cluster --kubeconfig ./cluster1-conf --name kind-cluster-1
# Create namespace in Test Cluster 1
kubectl create namespace test-ns-1 --context kind-kind-cluster-1 --kubeconfig ./cluster1-conf
# For bearer token auth
kubectl apply -f testcases/reload-config/sa.yaml
MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET=$(kubectl get sa mysa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}")
export K8S_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret $MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET --template={{.data.token}} | base64 -d)
kubectl get secret $MYSA_TOKEN_SECRET -o jsonpath="{.data.ca\.crt}" | base64 -d > ca.crt
export K8S_API_URL=$(kubectl config view -o jsonpath='{.clusters[0].cluster.server}')
export K8S_CA_CRT=./ca.crt
# Create Test Cluster 2
kind create cluster --kubeconfig ./cluster2-conf --name kind-cluster-2
# Create namespace in Test Cluster 2
kubectl create namespace test-ns-2 --context kind-kind-cluster-2 --kubeconfig ./cluster2-conf
robot -i reload-config -e prerelease testcases/
# Clean up
kind delete cluster --name kind-cluster-1
kind delete cluster --name kind-cluster-2
Keywords documentation
Keywords documentation can be found in docs/.
Proxy configuration
To access cluster via proxy set http_proxy
environment variable.
In similar way you can set no_proxy
variable to specify hosts that should be excluded from proxying.
IMPORTANT: Lowercase environment variables have higher priority than uppercase
Further reading
DevOps spiral article on KubeLibrary
KubeLibrary: Testing Kubernetes with RobotFramework | Humanitec
# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/devopsspiral/KubeLibrary.git
cd KubeLibrary
# create virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Create keyword and test file, import KubeLibrary using below to point to library under development.
*** Settings ***
Library ../src/KubeLibrary/KubeLibrary.py
For development cluster you can use k3s/k3d as described in DevOps spiral article on K3d and skaffold.
Generate docs
# To generate keyword documentation a connection
# to a cluster is not necessary. Skip to load a
# cluster configuration.
# Set the variable local for the libdoc call only
python -m robot.libdoc src/KubeLibrary docs/index.html