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vagrant-hostmanager still doesn't check if guests are not running in multi-machine setup

Open TomaszDom opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

(I'm unable to re-open #200, so I'm reporting this again, feel free to re-open #200 and close this as a duplicate)

I'm running vagrant 1.8.4 and vagrant-hostmanager 1.8.3 (applies to vagrant 1.8.1 and vagrant-hostmanager 1.8.1/1.8.2 too). This is my config:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| "private_network", type: "dhcp"
  config.hostmanager.manage_host = true
  config.hostmanager.include_offline = false
    config.vm.define "MACHINE-DEV-NET" do |net| = "MACHINE-DEV-NET"
      net.vm.communicator = "winrm"
      net.vm.guest = :windows = true :forwarded_port, guest: 22, host: 2223, id: "ssh", disabled: true :forwarded_port, guest: 3389, host: 33389, id: "rdp", auto_correct: true
      net.vm.box_url = "file:////scrubbed"
      net.hostmanager.enabled = true
      net.hostmanager.manage_guest = true
      net.hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = false
      net.hostmanager.aliases = %w(MACHINE-dev-net.local)
      net.hostmanager.ip_resolver = proc do |machine1|
        result = ""
        machine1.communicate.execute("gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where { $_.IPAddress } | Select -Expand IPAddress | Select-Object -Skip 2 | Select-Object -First 1") do |type, data|
          result << data if type == :stdout
        (ip = /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/.match(result)) && ip[1]
      net.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb1|
        vb1.gui = false = "MACHINE-DEV-NET"
        vb1.cpus = 2
        vb1.memory = "4096"
  config.vm.define "MACHINE-DEV-PHP" do |php| = "MACHINE-DEV-PHP"
      php.ssh.insert_key = false
      php.ssh.forward_x11 = true
      php.vm.box_url = "file:////scrubbed"
      php.hostmanager.enabled = true
      php.hostmanager.manage_guest = true
      php.hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = false
      php.hostmanager.aliases = %w(MACHINE-dev-php.local)
      php.hostmanager.ip_resolver = proc do |machine2|
        result = ""
        machine2.communicate.execute("ifconfig eth1") do |type, data|
          result << data if type == :stdout
        (ip = /inet addr:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/.match(result)) && ip[1]
      php.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb2|
        vb2.gui = false = "MACHINE-DEV-PHP"
        vb2.cpus = 2
        vb2.memory = "4096"

Now, if I only start the PHP machine:

vagrant up MACHINE-DEV-PHP

and then try to update the hosts file on both the PHP machine and my host:

vagrant hostmanager MACHINE-DEV-PHP

this happens:

[MACHINE-DEV-PHP] Updating /etc/hosts file...
The box is not able to report an address for WinRM to connect to yet.
WinRM cannot access this Vagrant environment. Please wait for the
Vagrant environment to be running and try again.

What? Of course WinRM cannot access anything, the NET machine is not running. This stops hostmanager.manage_host = true from working.

Same thing happens if only the NET machine is running:

[MACHINE-DEV-NET] Updating /etc/hosts file...
The provider for this Vagrant-managed machine is reporting that it
is not yet ready for SSH. Depending on your provider this can carry
different meanings. Make sure your machine is created and running and
try again. Additionally, check the output of `vagrant status` to verify
that the machine is in the state that you expect. If you continue to
get this error message, please view the documentation for the provider
you're using.

If I have both machines running, everything works great:

[MACHINE-DEV-NET] Updating /etc/hosts file...
[MACHINE-DEV-PHP] Updating /etc/hosts file...
Updating /etc/hosts file on host machine (password may be required)...

Then I found out from the documentation that it doesn't matter if I set: hostmanager.include_offline = false because I have: hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = false but even changing this to: hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = true then trying to move it to the config section, etc. doesn't have any effect.

If I ignore private IPs and don't include offline machines, shouldn't those machines be ignored, therefore making this:

Updating /etc/hosts file on host machine (password may be required)...

actually happen and work?

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? It does seem like a minor quirk, but in the environment I set up, developers mostly use the PHP machine, so the hostmanager solution for automatic setup of their host machines doesn't work at all if it's the only machine running, they have to download the huge NET box, start it, then run hostmanager, then shut the NET box down and destroy it to free up resources temporairly.

(Another report here suggested to put hostmanager.enabled = true into the config section, but that breaks the whole setup, because it tries to provision both guests with updated hosts files regardless if a machine is running or even downloaded at all when using vagrant up,vagrant halt, so after many tries, this is the mostly working multi-machine setup.

I also couldn't find any single working example of a working resolver for Windows, as standard resolvers simply don't work, neither for Windows or Ubuntu, so hopefully this will be helpful to some people.)

TomaszDom avatar Jul 18 '16 05:07 TomaszDom

This might be related to #209, but I am not sure. I reported it separately just in case it is distinct.

bowlofeggs avatar Jul 20 '16 19:07 bowlofeggs

This affects me too. Creating this post as a +1 post others can give the thumbs up to indicate that this affects them as well.

EDIT: This combination of configuration options makes the problem go away for me:

config.hostmanager.enabled = true
config.hostmanager.manage_guest = true
config.hostmanager.manage_host = false
config.hostmanager.include_offline = false
config.hostmanager.ignore_private_ip = true

rbjorklin avatar Jul 21 '16 06:07 rbjorklin