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Code-based Incremental Generator
We've prepared a test for a generate using two identical template sets with different names. This feature needs to be implemented and the test enabled.
Check if we still need a check for a conflict between a very old template configuration (context.xml in CobiGen_Templates and context.xml in src/main/templates)
We need to add a CLI systemtest which uses template set jars in a downloaded folder only.
ConfigurationHolder isTemplateSetConfiguration needs to be revised.
Currently we are using the cobigen-templates project as templates for our CLI system tests. These need to be replaced with reduced test resources for each test class.
The ArtifactRetriever should use the resource xml to determine the full snapshot version instead of the redirect url. Link to resource xml: Code part to change:
As a CobiGen user, I want to add a template-set artifact to my properties file e.g. `template-sets.installed=com.devonfw.cobigen:crud-java-server-app` without a version number so that CobiGen will always download the latest available...
Download POM from repo instead of extracting it from classes jar while adapting a template set.
Check if the postpone upgrade process is still working like it should. Check if delay works.