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Code-based Incremental Generator

:toc: right

= CobiGen (Code-based incremental Generator)

image:[] image:["Build Status", link=""]

== Usage

  •[Usage of the eclipse UI]
  •[OpenAPI Generation]
  •[Ionic/Cordova Client Generation]
  •[Angular Client Generation]
  •[Usage in Maven Builds]
  •[Configuration of the Templates]

== Installation

  •[For eclipse users]

== Architecture[CobiGen is build as an extensible framework for incremental code generation...]

== Repository Organization

The CobiGen repository is organized in a one-branch-per-plugin schema. By that, we can release each plug-in continously and independently without side effects. On release the plug-in branch is merged to master branch such that you will find all the latest releases of each plug-in on the master branch.

|=== | Top-level folder | Description

| cobigen-cli | Contains the cobigen command line interface implementation.

| cobigen-eclipse | Contains the cobigen eclipse integration. The implementation of the plug-in is driven in cobigen-eclipse/cobigen-eclipse folder.

| cobigen-maven | Contains the maven integration implementation.

| cobigen-templates | Contains template sets for different architectures

| cobigen | Containts the code implementation of CobiGen

| cobigen-plugins | core plug-in implementations |===

== Build

./ -h (on windows use git bash)

== Deploy

CobiGen deployment will be done by CI/CD only. No manual deployment.

== Debugging with Maven

To debug Maven builds on any plug-in:

. Step into the plug-in and start a console there. . Run mvnDebug clean install, it will output the port the debugger is listening to. . On Eclipse, right click your project -> Debug as -> Debug Configurations... . Add a new Remote Java Application that connects on a socket on the port that was outputted by Maven. . Hit debug and have fun!

To debug Maven tests follow[this link]

== Contribute[See the contribution guidelines]


The source code and maven bundles are released under[APL 2.0]

Eclipse bundles are released with respect to[it's bundled OSS software licenses]