assertions copied to clipboard
Can't seem to properly import Absinthe assertions
Hey, love the work thank you.
But I'm struggling here with consistently getting the assertions methods to properly compile here.
I have a really (really) small phoenix app i whipped up, where I try to add the Assertions.AbsintheCase
to the DataCase
, and
I try to write a really simple case here
defmodule AssertionsTestWeb.Schema.Queries.UserTest do
use AssertionsTest.DataCase
test "resolves correctly" do
query {
user {
|> assert_response_matches do
"user" => %{
"id" => _id
and the DataCase.ex
looks like
defmodule AssertionsTest.DataCase do
use ExUnit.CaseTemplate
using do
quote do
alias AssertionsTest.Repo
import Ecto
import Ecto.Changeset
import Ecto.Query
import AssertionsTest.DataCase
use Assertions.AbsintheCase, async: true, schema: AssertionsTestWeb.Schema
# [....]
And it can't find assert_response_matches/4
== Compilation error in file test/assertions_test_web/gql/queries/user_test.exs ==
** (CompileError) test/assertions_test_web/gql/queries/user_test.exs:2: undefined function assert_response_equals/4
(elixir 1.11.3) src/elixir_locals.erl:114: anonymous fn/3 in :elixir_locals.ensure_no_undefined_local/3
(stdlib 3.14) erl_eval.erl:680: :erl_eval.do_apply/6
(elixir 1.11.3) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:416: Kernel.ParallelCompiler.require_file/2
(elixir 1.11.3) lib/kernel/parallel_compiler.ex:316: anonymous fn/4 in Kernel.ParallelCompiler.spawn_workers/7
I am seeing this same issue. The strange thing is that it works fine for one of my teammates and myself, but not for our other teammate. Also, the compilation fails on our CI build (in Circle). All 3 of us and our CI instance are running elixir 1.12.1
@devonestes Any thoughts?
timgremore's pull request, #24, solved the issue for me. Thanks @timgremore!
@jimshepherd I should have posted a follow up, but we used PR #24 as well and it fixed the issue for us as well, thanks!
Ran into this issue
this command fixed it:
MIX_ENV=test mix deps.compile --force assertions
This issue still exists and is causing builds to fail. Any update here? @devonestes