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Distributed .NET Core
What is Distributed .NET Core?
It's an open source project (and a course available soon at devmentors.io), providing in-depth knowledge about building microservices using .NET Core framework and variety of tools. One of the goals, was to create a cloud agnostic solution, that you shall be able to run anywhere.
We encourage you to join our Discourse forum available at forum.devmentors.io.
For this particular course, please have a look at the topics being discussed under this category.
What topics will be discussed?
A lot of them, covering different aspects of building distributed services, whether it comes to implementing the code, managing services discovery and load balancing, configuring logging or monitoring, and eventually deploying to the VM using Docker.
Just to name a few:
- RESTful API implementation with ASP.NET Core
- Domain Driven Design fundamentals
- SQL and NoSQL databases (SQL Server, MongoDB, InfluxDB)
- Distributed caching with Redis
- API Gateway and other patterns designed for microservices
- JWT, authentication, authorization
- Communication via websockets using SignalR
- CQRS, Commands, Queries & Events handlers
- Using RabbitMQ as a message queue with RawRabbit
- Dealing with asynchronous requests, Process Managers and Sagas
- Internal HTTP communication with RestEase
- Service discovery with Consul
- Storing secrets with Vault
- Monitoring with App Metrics, Grafana, Prometheus and Jaeger
- Logging with Serilog, Seq and ELK stack
- Building Docker images, managing containers, networks and registries
- Defining Docker compose stacks
- Managing your own Nuget feeds (e.g. MyGet)
- CI & CD with build services such as Travis CI, Bitbucket Pipelines or VSTS
- Deploying services to the Linux Servers and configuring Nginx
- Orchestrating services on your VM or in the Cloud using Portainer or Rancher (built on top of Kubernetes)
Which repositories should I clone?
Please clone the following repositories and put them into the same working directory:
- DNC-DShop
- DNC-DShop.Api
- DNC-DShop.Common
- DNC-DShop.Services.Identity
- DNC-DShop.Services.Customers
- DNC-DShop.Services.Notifications
- DNC-DShop.Services.Operations
- DNC-DShop.Services.Orders
- DNC-DShop.Services.Products
- DNC-DShop.Services.SignalR
How to start the solution?
At first, you need to have the following services up and running on localhost (so-called bare minimum):
These can be run as standalone services, or via Docker (recommended approach). You can run them one by one e.g.
docker run --name mongo -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:4
docker run --name rabbitmq -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 --hostname rabbitmq rabbitmq:3-management
docker run --name redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis
Or using Docker compose (first, create a new docker-compose.yml
file and then execute docker-compose up
version: "3.5"
image: mongo:4
- '27017:27017'
image: rabbitmq:3-management
- '5672:5672'
- '15672:15672'
image: redis
- '6379:6379'
You can also find this file here, which includes custom network and volumes. In order to start it, execute docker-compose -f mongo-rabbit-redis.yml up -d
will run containers in the background).
If you want to start additional infrastructural services e.g. Consul, Fabio and Vault, execute docker-compose -f consul-fabio-vault.yml up -d
Once you have the core infrastructure available, you can start a particular DNC
project either by executing dotnet run
command in /src/PROJECT_NAME/
directory or starting a shell script ./scripts/dotnet-run.sh
from the root project directory.
The order of starting the services has no meaning whatsoever - just keep in mind that DShop.Api
acts as a gateway to the whole system (except DShop.Services.Identity
for authentication).
You should be able to see new topics and queues available in the RabbitMQ management system, default UI is accessible at http://localhost:15672.
In order to start the DNC
services using Docker, run docker-compose.yml file, that will pull the images from hub.docker.com/r/devmentors/.
You can also build you own local images easily, either run dotnet-build-local-all.sh
, then dotnet-publish-all.sh
then docker-build-local-all.sh
scripts or just docker-build-local-multistage-all.sh
(that will use Dockerfile.multistage instead of default Dockerfile).
Once the local images are built, run compose command for docker-compose-local.yml.
Eventually, you can type docker inspect dshop-network
to see if everything is in place.
Where can I find the list of all Docker images being used?
You can find them in this repository listed in docker-images.txt file.
Moreover, in the scripts
directory, you can find git-clone-all.sh, git-pull-all.sh, dotnet-build-all.sh or dotnet-run-all.sh
scripts that might be helpful for the repeating tasks.
What HTTP requests can be sent to the API?
You can find the list of all HTTP requests in DShop.rest
file placed in the root folder of DShop.Api repository (here).
This file is compatible with REST Client plugin for Visual Studio Code.