react-frontend-dev-portfolio icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-frontend-dev-portfolio copied to clipboard

Easy to adapt and deploy React portfolio inspired with solutions found at GitHub.

portfolio template mockup
portfolio mobile demo gif

react icon

React Tailwind Portfolio Template

⭐ Easy to adapt and deploy portfolio project covering most important 
sections(about, exp, skills, projects), inspired with solutions found 
at GitHub. Check live preview(link below).

:crown: advantages

multilingual   mobile friendly   light/dark mode   json fetched data   minimalistic   expandable

:eye_speech_bubble: Live demo

Check live demonstration here

react frontend dev portfolio preview

:books: Getting started

  1. Clone or fork project.
  2. Install required dependencies with yarn install.
  3. Remove homepage entirely from package.json or set it to single dot.
// package.json
  "name": "react-frontend-dev-portfolio",
  "homepage": "",   <-- remove/edit this
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
  1. yarn dev project and customize it.
  2. Deploy on github-pages using yarn deploy command.
⚠️ Note that:
- if you want to have portfolio on different repository than `{username}`, 
set `homepage` in `package.json` to `https://{username}{repository-name}/` 
before deploying portfolio.
- You also need to change the `base` inside `vite.config.ts`
- if you want to run it locally with yarn dev, make sure that you have edited 
homepage property or json data won't load.

:star: Inspirations

React Vertical Timeline
React Awesome Slider
React Switch
React Type Animation
Iconify Design

:gear: Contribution

If you have any suggestions on what to improve in react-frontend-dev-portfolio and would like to share them, feel free to leave an issue or fork project to implement your own ideas :slightly_smiling_face:

:gear: Credits(Source Code)

This project is complete rewrite of [Dorota1997/react-frontend-dev-portfolio](

:camera: Credits(images)

p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6