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Allow choosing between "news:u" and "news:s"
The current news init code defaults to using "news:u" to use the news service. If both services are available, and according to 3dbrew, there is no way to use the "news:s" service calls.
The following code would allow using both services:
Result newsInit(bool useNewsSService) {
Result res;
if (AtomicPostIncrement(&newsRefCount)) return 0;
useNewsS = useNewsSService;
const char* services = {"news:u", "news:s"};
res = srvGetServiceHandle(&newsHandle, services[(int)useNewsS]);
if (R_FAILED(res)) AtomicDecrement(&newsRefCount);
return res;
Or if compatibility is needed:
static bool forceNewsS = false;
void newsForceNewsSInit(bool forceNewsSInit) {
forceNewsS = forceNewsSInit;
Result newsInit(void) {
Result res = 0;
if (AtomicPostIncrement(&newsRefCount)) return 0;
if (!forceNewsS)
res = srvGetServiceHandle(&newsHandle, "news:u");
useNewsS = R_FAILED(res) || forceNewsS ;
if (useNewsS) res = srvGetServiceHandle(&newsHandle, "news:s");
if (R_FAILED(res)) AtomicDecrement(&newsRefCount);
return res;