Meta.Vlc copied to clipboard
Sometime it plays without screen.
I'm trying to use WPF 4.5 samples.
when I play sth, it shows me only sounds without video.
sometimes ok, sometimes only audio.
I don't even know why it happens..
Player.Stop(); Player.LoadMedia(new Uri("http://...")); Player.Play();
No idea with it. Can you provide more information?
Maybe the situation is hard to duplicate.
But if you make a function like next button to switch to next video.
This problem happens very often.
Once you click the header, and then click next button it will happen.
I think if the vlcplayer is not focused, and clicking next button, it will happen.
But I am not sure if this is a focus problem or not.
I had the same problem. When I used RebuildPlayer just before LoadMedia it worked properly: Player.Stop(); Player.RebuildPlayer(); Player.LoadMedia(new Uri("http://...")); Player.Play();
@mahdi-ataollahi RebuildPlayer api is not recommend, most of the time you shouldn't call it, RebuildPlayer is not a good way to reset the Player.
I had the same problem. The solution was is to Stop and Start video again:
When video is not displayed, State property of player (and media) is Error sometimes, but it can be also Playing