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Auto-generated, RESTful, CRUDdy route handlers for Waterline models in hapi


Auto-generated, RESTful, CRUDdy route handlers

to be used with hapi 8 (and 7) and its Waterline plugin, dogwater.

What it does

Bedwetter registers route handlers based upon the method and path of your route. It turns them into RESTful API endpoints that automatically interact with the model defined using dogwater. The route handler is based on one of eight bedwetters:

  • POST is used for create, add when add is used to create a record then add it to a relation, and for update
  • PATCH is also used for update
  • PUT is used for add when it's used to simply add a record to a relation
  • GET is used for find, findOne, and populate (get related records or check an association)
  • DELETE is used for destroy and remove (remove a record from a relation)

For now, see SailsJs's documentation on Blueprints for info about parameters for the bedwetters. A portion of the code is adapted from this SailsJs hook.

Bedwetter also allows you to manage resources/records with owners. There are options to act on behalf of a user via hapi authentication. You can set owners automatically on new records, only display records when owned by the authenticated user, and make bedwetters behave like the primary record is the authenticated user.

Bedwetting Patterns

Suppose users are associated with comments via dogwater/Waterline. The user model associates comments in an attribute named comments. Here are some examples as to how the plugin will deduce which of the eight bedwetters to use, based upon route method and path definition.

  • GET /usersfind

    Returns an array of users with an HTTP 200 OK response.

  • GET /users/countfind with /count

    Returns the integer number of users matched with an HTTP 200 OK response.

  • GET /users/{id}findOne

    Returns user id with an HTTP 200 OK response. Responds with an HTTP 404 Not Found response if the user is not found.

  • GET /users/{id}/commentspopulate

    Returns an array of comments associated with user id. Returns HTTP 200 OK if that user is found. Returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response if that user is not found.

  • GET /users/{id}/comments/countpopulate with /count

    Returns the integer number of comments associated with user id. Returns HTTP 200 OK if that user is found. Returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response if that user is not found.

  • GET /users/{id}/comments/{childId}populate

    Returns HTTP 204 No Content if comment childId is associated with user id. Returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response if that user is not found or that comment is not associated with the user.

  • POST /userscreate

    Creates a new user using the request payload and returns it with an HTTP 201 Created response.

  • POST /users/{id}/commentsadd

    Creates a new comment using the request payload and associates that comment with user id. Returns that comment with an HTTP 201 Created response. If that user is not found, returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.

  • PUT /users/{id}/comments/{childId}add

    Associates comment childId with user id. Returns an HTTP 204 No Content response on success. If the user or comment are not found, returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.

  • DELETE /users/{id}destroy

    Destroys user id. Returns an HTTP 204 No Content response on success. If the user doesn't exist, returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.

  • DELETE /users/{id}/comment/{childId}remove

    Removes association between user id and comment childId. Returns an HTTP 204 No Content response on success. If the user or comment doesn't exist, returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.

  • PATCH /users/{id} or POST /user/{id}update

    Updates user id using the request payload (which will typically only contain the attributes to update) and responds with the updated user. Returns an HTTP 200 OK response on success. If the user doesn't exist, returns an HTTP 404 Not Found response.


Options can be passed to the plugin when registered or defined directly on the route handler. Those defined on the route handler override those passed to the plugin on a per-route basis.

Acting as a User

These options allow you to act on behalf of the authenticated user. Typically the user info is taken directly off the credentials object without checking the Request.auth.isAuthenticated flag. This allows you to use authentication modes however you wish. For examples, for now please see tests at test/options/actAsUser.js.

  • actAsUser (boolean, defaults false). Applies to findOne, find, create, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    This must be set to true for the following options in the section to take effect. The acting user is defined by hapi authentication credentials and the userIdProperty option.

  • userIdProperty (string, defaults "id"). Applies to findOne, find, create, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. It defines a path into Request.auth.credentials to determine the acting user's id. For example, if the credentials object equals {user: {info: {id: 17}}} then "" would grab user id 17. See Hoek.reach, which is used to convert the string to a deep property in the hapi credentials object.

  • userUrlPrefix (string, defaults "/user"). Applies to findOne, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. This option works in tandem with userModel. When a route path begins with userUrlPrefix (after any other inert prefix has been stripped via the prefix option), the URL is transformed to begin /:userModel/:actingUserId before matching for a bedwetter; it essentially sets the primary record to the acting user.

  • userModel (string, defaults "users"). Applies to findOne, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. This option works in tandem with userUrlPrefix. When a route path begins with userUrlPrefix (after any other inert prefix has been stripped via the prefix option), the URL is transformed to begin /:userModel/:actingUserId before matching for a bedwetter; it essentially sets the primary record to the acting user. E.g., by default when actAsUser is enabled, route path PUT /user/following/10 would internally be considered as PUT /users/17/following/10, which corresponds to the add bedwetter applied to the authenticated user.

  • requireOwner (boolean, defaults false). Applies to findOne, find, create, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. The option forces any record to that's being viewed or modified (including associations) to be owned by the user. Ownership is determined by matching the acting user's id against the attribute of the record determined by ownerAttr or childOwnerAttr.

  • setOwner (boolean, defaults false). Applies to create, update, add.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. The option forces any record to that's being created or updated (including associated records) to be owned by the acting user. The owner is set on the record's attribute determined by ownerAttr or childOwnerAttr.

  • ownerAttr (string or false, defaults "owner"). Applies to findOne, find, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. If false, requireOwner and setOwner are disabled on the primary record. Otherwise, requireOwner and setOwner options act using the primary record's attribute with name specified by ownerAttr.

  • childOwnerAttr (string or false, defaults "owner"). Applies to add, remove, and populate.

    When actAsUser is true this option takes effect. If false, requireOwner and setOwner are disabled on the child record. Otherwise, requireOwner and setOwner options act using the child record's attribute with name specified by childOwnerAttr.

Other Options

  • prefix (string). Applies to findOne, find, create, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    Allows one to specify a prefix to the route path that will be ignored when determining which bedwetter to apply.

  • createdLocation (string). Applies to create and sometimes to add.

    When this set (typically as a route-level option rather than a plugin-level option), a Location header will be added to responses with a URL pointing to the created record. This option will act as the first argument to util.format when set, and there should be a single placeholder for the created record's id.

  • model (string). Applies to findOne, find, create, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    Name of the model's Waterline identity. If not provided as an option, it is deduced from the route path.

    Ex: /user/1/files/3 has the model user.

  • associationAttr (string). Applies to add, remove, and populate

    Name of the association's Waterline attribute. If not provided as an option, it is deduced from the route path.

    Ex: /user/1/files/3 has the association attribute files (i.e., the Waterline model user has an attribute, files containing records in a one-to-many relationship).

  • criteria (object). Applies to find and populate.

    • blacklist (array)

      An array of attribute names.  The criteria blacklist disallows searching by certain attribute criteria.
  • where (object). Applies to find and populate. When is specified, also applies to findOne, update, destroy, add, and remove.

    Typically sets default criteria for the records in a list. Keys represent are attribute names and values represent values for those attributes. This can be overridden by query parameters. When is set, this is is used instead of the primary key path parameter (similarly to the id option), but does not override the id option.

  • id (string or integer). Applies to findOne, update, destroy, add, remove, and populate.

    Fixes a supplied primary key to a certain value. Typically this primary key would be pulled from the route parameter. In most cases this will cause a confusing implementation, but may be worth keeping to interact with future features.

  • limit (positive integer). Applies to find and populate.

    Set default limit of records returned in a list. If not provided, this defaults to 30.

  • maxLimit (positive integer). Applies to find and populate.

    If a user requests a certain number of records to be returned in a list (using the limit query parameter), it cannot exceed this maximum limit.

  • populate (boolean). Applies to find and findOne.

    Determines if all association attributes are by default populated (overridden by populate query parameter, which contains a comma-separated list of attributes). Defaults to false.

  • skip (positive integer). Applies to find and populate.

    Sets default number of records to skip in a list (overridden by skip query parameter). Defaults to 0.

  • sort (string). Applies to find and populate.

    Sets default sorting criteria (i.e. createdDate ASC) (overridden by sort query parameter). Defaults to no sort applied.

  • values (object). Applies to create, update, and sometimes to add. Sets default attribute values in key-value pairs for records to be created or updated. Also includes a blacklist parameter:

    • blacklist (array)

      An array of attribute names to be omitted when creating or updating a record.
  • deletedFlag (boolean, defaults false). Applies to destroy.

    Rather than destroying the object, this will simply set a flag on the object using the deletedAttr and deletedValue options.

  • deletedAttr (string, defaults "deleted"). Applies to destroy.

    Model attribute to be updated with the deletedValue.

  • deletedValue (string|int, defaults 1). Applies to destroy.

    Value to be updated on the model attribute specified deletedAttr when the deletedFlag option is enabled.

  • omit (string|array, defaults []). Applies to add, create, find, findOne, populate, update.

    When returning a record or array of records, the list of fields will not be included in the response per record. When populating a record association, you may use [Hoek.reach]( style key identifiers to omit deep properties. If the property holds an array, deep omissions will omit the property from each record in the array.

  • pkAttr (string or false, defaults false). Applies to add, destroy, findOne, populate, remove, update.

    This overrides which attribute used for looking-up the primary/parent record. By default bedwetter uses the model's primary key. This option can be used to look-up records by a unique identifier other than the primary key.

    Ex: To look users up by their username attribute rather than their numeric primary key id, set pkAttr to "username". Then GET /users/john-doe will return the user with username "john-doe".

  • childPkAttr (string or false, defaults false). Applies to add, populate, remove.

    This overrides which attribute used for looking-up the secondary/child record. By default bedwetter uses the model's primary key. This option can be used to look-up records by a unique identifier other than the primary key.

Request State

The bedwetter request state can be accessed on Request.plugins.bedwetter. It it an object containing the following properties:

  • action (string). Indicates which one of the eight bedwetter actions was used. It is one of find, findone, update, create, destroy, populate, add, or remove.
  • options (object). These are active bedwetter options used for the request. If any hooks modified the options, that will be reflected here.
  • primaryRecord (Waterline model). This provides access to any primary record associated with this request. This will not be set if there is no primary record.
  • secondaryRecord (Waterline model). This provides access to any secondary record associated with this request. This will not be set if there is no secondary record.


Here's a sort of crappy example.

// Assume `server` is a hapi server with the bedwetter plugin registered.
// Models with identities "zoo" and "treat" exist via dogwater.
// zoos and treats are in a many-to-many correspondence with each other.
// I suggest checking out ./test

{ // findOne
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/zoo/{id}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // find
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/treat',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // find with prefix
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/v1/treat',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: {
            prefix: '/v1'
{ // destroy
    method: 'DELETE',
    path: '/treat/{id}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // create
    method: 'POST',
    path: '/zoo',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // update
    method: ['PATCH', 'POST'],
    path: '/treat/{id}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // remove
    method: 'DELETE',
    path: '/zoo/{id}/treats/{childId}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // create then add
    method: 'POST',
    path: '/zoo/{id}/treats',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // add
    method: 'PUT',
    path: '/zoo/{id}/treats/{childId}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options
{ // populate
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/zoo/{id}/treats/{childId?}',
    handler: {
        bedwetter: options