NVimmer copied to clipboard
Make Neovim awesome IDE, on Ubuntu Linux
✌ Make your Vim/NeoVim like an IDE!
NVimmer (English)
中文说明 Chinese
A simple, fast but efficient VIM IDE-like Configuration, it is especially nice for the web full stack developers on Linux.
It recommends Monaco nerd font on Linux.
NVimmer is a new version of Vimmer. The configuration of NVimmer will be based on NeoVim instead of Vim.
For Windows Click Here
For Mac iVimmer
- Java
- C#
- vue
- TypeScript
- C/C++
- Markdown
- Wechat wxml
- react js/jsx/tsx
- Kotlin
- English Words
- Emoji (type
select emoji)
Attention: NVimmer will use Prettier and eslint as the default linter and formatter for the fontend!
[Recommended] Ubuntu/Deepin Onekey Install 🚤 🚤 🚤
Execute the following commands, install everything automatically! ✌
🌟 curl [recommend]
curl -o ubuntu_install.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devilyouwei/NVimmer/master/ubuntu_install.sh && bash ubuntu_install.sh
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devilyouwei/NVimmer/master/ubuntu_install.sh && bash ubuntu_install.sh
Script Fail
- During the process of installations, the script may fail to download something, especially in China.
- If the script is interrupted or exit with errors, please run it again, until it success, or try to change the network environment.
- After all the installations are finished, if nvim still doesn't work well, same with point 2, try again!
- For the first time to start nvim, please restart terminal and then reopen nvim.
Monaco Nerd Fonts
Use wget (must) to download the font, and then open the terminal preference to change the font to Monaco Nerd Font
wget https://github.com/devilyouwei/linux-font/blob/master/Monaco/Nerd/YaheiMonacoNerd.ttf?raw=true -O ~/.fonts/MonacoNerdMono.ttf
fc-cache -vf
Or, You would like to download and install the font manually.
Examples :tada: :tada: :tada:
Quick Start (Manually, Step by Step) 🔨 🔨 🔨
Install NeoVim
Method 1: the NeoVim on Ubuntu apt is old, it is stable but never support the COC plugin.
So download the latest stable version through PPA.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim
Method 2 (recommended): you can use snap to install
sudo snap install --beta nvim --classic
For installation on other systems, please refer to the GitHub Tutorial: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/wiki/installing-neovim
Clone NVimmer
For Linux
#Clone nvimmer
git clone https://github.com/devilyouwei/NVimmer.git
#Switch to project folder
cd NVimmer
#Copy nvim configuration directory to your home_user directory
mkdir ~/.config
cp -rf ./nvim/ ~/.config/
cp ./.eslintrc.json ~/
cp ./.prettierrc.json ~/
Install NodeJS
I strongly recommend to use the tool nvm to manage your nodejs!
official node install script
curl -sL install-node.now.sh/lts | bash
use nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
nvm install stable
The node version in ubuntu apt is too old, please refer to the node official website to install the latest version. Mine is 14 and the node official website is https://nodejs.org
Attention: DON'T USE SNAP to install nodejs! NeoVim :checkhealth
not passed!
Install vim-plug
'vim-plug' is a powerful vim plugins manager!
For Linux
curl -fLo ~/.local/share/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
Vim Plugin installation
Open nvim, then input command :PlugInstall
to install all plugins
Or run in terminal
nvim -c PlugInstall
Note: coc-plugins will be installed automotically when you start nvim.
Supplementary Installation
The following options can be customized for different developers, and fullstack can install all of them, which will never affect the performance.
For node developers
npm install -g neovim
For Ruby developers
sudo apt install ruby-dev
sudo gem install neovim
For Perl
sudo apt install cpanminus
sudo cpanm Neovim::Ext
echo 'eval $(perl -I $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)' >>~/.bashrc
For Python
pip3 install neovim #py3
pip3 install neovim-remote
Note: never support python2 any more, include pip2
For front-end and JS developers
npm install -g eslint
'.eslintrc.json' and '.prettierrc.json' in home dir is the global eslint config, don't change it or add any plugin globally!
If you are using vue, html, react in your projects and want to lint such files. You should install the eslint plugins in project dir by using package.json or eslinrc.json.
Remember, put eslint-plugin-*
only in your project folder, not globally!
Install 'universal-ctags' for tagbar and 'astyle' for AutoFormat
sudo apt install universal-ctags
sudo apt install astyle
sudo apt install clang-format
sudo snap install shfmt
Install lazy git if needed (recommended)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lazygit-team/release
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lazygit
I want to use Monaco Nerd Fonts for my terminal. Please install the MonacoNerd.ttf in fonts
coc.nvim doesn't work. To ':checkhealth' in neovim and possibly your neovim is under 0.3.x, update your neovim
Float window doesn't work. Float window feature is added after neovim 0.4.x version. Please install the latest neovim!
How To Use
Quick keys
- Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-X map to system clipboard, easy to copy and parse
- Emmet HTML create tags automotically: Ctrl-O. Refer to 'Emmet'
- Open Float Terminal: F4
- Save: F5
- Save and compile run: F6
- Auto format code,document: F12
- Clear blank lines: F2
- Open current directory file tree: F3
- Open tagbar: F9 (ctags required)
- Auto completion: COC auto completion, press Tab to auto complete
- Buffer switch: Ctrl+H, Ctrl+L, Ctrl+left, Ctrl+right
- Tab switch: as above, change Ctrl to shift
- Find Definition of functions, classes, enter 'gd'
- Find tags, includeing functions, class globally, press: Ctrl-T or ft
- Find buffers, press: Ctrl-B or fb
- Find files in current path, press: Ctrl-F or Ctrl-P or ff
- Find English words in vim, should in 'Insert Mode' and press: Ctrl-X then Ctrl-W