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A Windows Event Processing Utility


A Windows Event Processing Utility

View more information on the wiki!


Three types of files are currently supported:

  • Native evt
  • Native evtx
  • EvtXtract's json recovered records file [Does not work with most recent EvtXtract output]

If you are using EVTXtract output, just stick the .json files in the path specified with -p


Report template generation uses the GcHelpers libraries. This provides customized user functions for SQLite that allows for some nice data transformation techniques. After you setup.py install this package, you can run UpdateGeoIpDb.py which is put into the python scripts directory when gchelpers is installed. This will download the latest GeoLite2 database created by MaxMind for resolving ip addresses. This is needed by any SQLite userfunction using geoip functionality. Thus, if you do not do it, you will see messages in the command line output saying that a geoip function could not be found when using a template that has a query using the function. That template will then be skipped.

Also note that a newer sqlite3.dll is required as the 'json_extract' function is required for some of the report queries. Those can be downloaded at https://www.sqlite.org/download.html. Place the sqlite dll in Python's DLLs folder.


EventMonkey now has two sub commands. The 'process' command is for processing event files and generating reports while the 'report' command is just for creating reports from the resulting database. You can create your own custom templates and pass the folder to EventMonkey as well.

usage: EventMonkey.py [-h] [-f TEMPLATEFOLDER] {process,report} ...

EventMonkey (A Windows Event Parsing Utility)

positional arguments:
  {process,report}      Either process or report command is required.
    process             Processes eventfiles and then generate reports.
    report              Generate reports from an existing EventMonkey

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Folder of Template Files


usage: EventMonkey.py process [-h] -n EVIDENCENAME -p EVENTS_PATH -o
                              OUTPUT_PATH [--threads THREADS_TO_USE]
                              [--esconfig ESCONFIG] [--esurl ESURL]
                              [--eshost ESHOST] [--esuser ESUSER]
                              [--espass ESPASS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Name to prepend to output files
                        Path to Event Files
  -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Output Path
  --threads THREADS_TO_USE
                        Number of threads to use (default is all [8])
  --esconfig ESCONFIG   Elastic YAML Config File
  --esurl ESURL         Elastic RFC-1738 URL
  --eshost ESHOST       Elastic Host IP
  --esuser ESUSER       Elastic Host User
  --espass ESPASS       Elastic Password [if not supplied, will prompt]


usage: EventMonkey.py report [-h] -d DB_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DB_NAME, --database DB_NAME
                        Database to run reports on

Creating Descriptions and Tags

Description files are located in the etc/descriptions folder. The name of the file is the same as an event's 'System.Channel.#text' field (with a .yml extention).

Example from etc/descriptions/Security.yml:

  description: "Windows is starting up"
    - "Startup"
  description: "Windows is shutting down"
    - "Shutdown"

If an event is from channel Security, it will then look for the EventID number to load the description and tags.

Elastic YAML Config File

You can now use a config file to connect to elastic. This way you can add in SSL certs if needed. Follow the structure of the elasticsearch py api: https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/master/api.html#elasticsearch

    - host: ''
  http_auth: ['user','password']


  • libevt and libevtx
    • Get the compiled binaries: https://github.com/log2timeline/l2tbinaries
    • Source code: https://github.com/libyal/libevtx, https://github.com/libyal/libevt
  • GcHelpers
    • https://github.com/devgc/GcHelpers
    • pip install git+git://github.com/devgc/GcHelpers
    • or setup.py install from source.
  • PyYAML
    • Get the compiled binaries: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/PyYAML
  • lxml
    • Get the compiled binaries: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/3.4.0
  • bs4 (beautifulsoup4)
    • pip install bs4
    • Project Info: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/beautifulsoup4
  • progressbar2
    • pip install progressbar2
  • elasticsearch
    • pip install elasticsearch

Do Things Like:

Automate Excel spreadsheet creation with templates Template to XLSX

Easier viewing and filtering using customizable tags and descriptions Security Descriptions and Tagging

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