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scoreboard copied to clipboard

Encouraging OpenStreetMap mappers with badges, graphs & stats! βœ¨πŸ•Ή

Scoreboard πŸ—ΊπŸŽ―

Engaging and encouraging mappers of OpenStreetMap by rewarding contributions, promoting campaigns, and reporting current mapper statistics

πŸ”¨ Development


  • Node 12.14.x
  • Postgres 9.5+
  • Yarn
  • Docker (for development work)

To set the Node version as specified above:

 $ brew install nvm
 $ nvm use

See this tutorial for details and instructions for installing PostgreSQL on your operating system


Scoreboard depends on three external services/APIs for statistics and functionality:

  • OSMesa is a toolkit for processing large amounts of OSM vector data and turning them into stats (e.g: km of road added by user by country)
  • Scoreboard pulls campaigns from the Tasking Manager and uses the campaign hashtags to pull campaign specific aggregations from OSMesa
  • OSM Teams is a service that allows Scoreboard users to create teams and assign campaigns to a team.

Environment file

Create a .env file by copying the .env.sample file and filling in the required values. The sample file has comments above each possible environment variable.

  • See Connecting to OSM Teams
  • See Administrator Settings

Install JavaScript Dependencies

 $ yarn

Database Setup

Create and run the database

 $ docker-compose up  # wait for scoreboard_wait-for-db-ready_1 

This command will create and run the database on port 5433. The database files are stored under .tmp folder.

If you are running the command for the first time, you should wait until the databases are created. This can take a few minutes.

To start with a new database with no data, stop the command, remove the .tmp folder and run the command again.

Run database migrations

Set up the database schema by running:

 $ yarn migrate

You can rollback migrations with yarn rollback.

Populate database

For the frontend and the API to work, you must have the data loaded on the local database.

To generate fake user and campaign data run:

 $ yarn seed

Create an admin user

To be able to develop admin pages you'll need to have an admin user. Make your user an admin by running:

./api/bin/scoreboard create-admin-user --username {your osm username}

If you were already logged in, log out and log back in, then you'll see an "admin" link in the menu in the top right.

Known issue: before running create-admin-user for username, you first have to login to the web app with that username first.

Add some edits to your user

It could be useful to give some edits to your user in development.

You can run:

./api/bin/scoreboard create-edits --osm-id {your osm id}

This will select some random changesets from the OSMesa edits and assign them to your osm id

Start Development Server

This command will start both the frontend and the api together, with livereloading for both the front end and api

 $ yarn dev

This command will start both the frontend and the api together, with a static version of the api $ yarn dev-static


Tests for the API endpoints and related code are stored in api/tests/ and UI tests are stored in tests/. To run both:

$ yarn test

Test the UI and API separately using yarn test-ui and yarn test-api.


Lint the code using:

 $ yarn lint

You can automatically fix some lint errors using yarn lintfix.

Generating Docs

If you make changes to the API documentation make sure to update the README for the API which is auto-generated from the swagger YAML by running:

 $ yarn docs

Connecting to OSM Teams

In OSM-teams, choose "Connect a new app". For the callback URL use the path /auth/teams/accept

For example in development, Scoreboard runs on localhost:8181, so the callback URL would be http://localhost:8181/auth/teams/accept .

The client id and client secret should be saved to your Scoreboard .env file.

Scoreboard will work with a single organization at the moment. In osm-teams, record your organization's ID from the API and use the environment variable OSM_TEAMS_ORG_ID to have scoreboard read and write to the organization's teams.

If you are setting up local development for the first time, you may need to create an organization. There is currently no way to do this via the osm teams interfaces. Instead you can use the swagger UI to make the requests.

  1. check to see what organizations exist on your local osm-teams
  2. if there is none, create an organization (the id can be anything, but should match OSM_TEAMS_ORG_ID in your scoreboard .env)
  3. run yarn seed
  4. clear your cache and login

Administrator Settings

The Administrator Settings are found in the Admin user's dashboard, or via the Admin entry in the User menu.

  • Tasking Managers: Currently HOT Tasking Manager (TM2 - TM3) is supported.
  • Setup Badges
  • Manage Users
  • App Settings: OSMesa integration settings

Simulated osmesa database

A pg_dump of osm-fabricator is used to mock the osmesa db when developing locally.

To update the osmesa db, first develop on osm-fabricator, then pg_dump it into docker-context/osmesa-mock/init.sql. See scoreboard's docker-compose.yml for more details.

API docs

See api/README


To use scoreboard in production follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have all the requirements.
  2. Install dependencies: yarn
  3. Setup a production Postgres database
  4. Create the database by running these commands.
  5. Setup an .env file with correct values -> example.
    • make sure to set NODE_ENV=production in your .env file
  6. Run the migrations: npm run migrate
  7. Add initial data to the database (skip if the database already has data) npm run seed
  8. [OPTIONAL] Preload list of users npm run users
  9. Populate stats: npm run clocks
  10. [OPTIONAL] Assign admin users by running ./api/bin/scoreboard create-admin-user --osm-id {your-id}
    • Note:
  11. Build: npm run build
  12. Launch the server: node server.js