### The following repos were removed or archived * [teamdigitale/api-ndc-semantic](
### The following repos were added * [italia/strategia-cloud-italia-docs]( * [italia/italian-cloud-strategy-docs](
### The following repos were added * [italia/cie-nis-java-sdk](
### The following repos were added * [italia/add-file-header-action](
### The following repos were added * [italia/design-comuni-pagine-statiche](
### The following repos were added * [italia/lg-design-servizi-web](
### The following repos were added * [teamdigitale/open-data-repository-template](
### The following repos were added * [italia/prototipo-pagamento-multe](
### The following repos were removed or archived * [italia/test-ui-kit-repo](
### The following repos were added * [italia/test-ui-kit-repo](