container-image-sign-and-verify-with-cosign-and-opa copied to clipboard
How to use this with Gatekeeper
I'm wondering if I can use this with Gatekeeper and if any guidance could be provided to load this into gatekeeper.
I'm very new to OPA and Gatekeeper, so that is the origin of this request.
Hi there, I am trying to do the same thing as well. I am new to OPA/Gatekeeper/Kubernetes, but what I understand so far is that I need to create a ContraintTemplate and a constraint with the Rego policy and apply it on the kubernetes cluster.
If someone could please provide an example of what the Constraint Template and constraint looks like, I would really appreciate it.
Also I am not sure how the line cosignHTTPWrapperURL := "http://localhost:8080/verify" will change if it's on Kubernetes. What will the url be? For example, I want to deploy 1 pod with the cosign-wrapper golang api, and then the gatekeeper pod. How do these two communicate with each other?
@marcofranssen were you ever able to figure this out?
@csongpaxos haven't tried it yet.
Regarding your k8s question. Within k8s you have services, those will have according dns records.
So e.g.:
http://cosign-service.your-namespace/verify should be possible if you have a service named cosign-service
in a namespace your-namespace
. Of course this service has to listen on port 80 and forward the traffic to the pod running on port 8080.
Thanks @marcofranssen, that makes a lot of sense. What I am trying to figure out now is the proper syntax for the ConstraintTemplate
. I am not sure whether I can simply paste the rego directly into the rego block. Also I am unsure of what the openAPIV3Schema
should look like. Do you have any ideas?
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: signatureverify
kind: SignatureVerify
# Schema for the `parameters` field
type: string
- target:
rego: |
package signature
default verified = false
# send HTTP POST request to cosign-wrapper
verified {
# read the `image` from the `input` that will be verified
body := { "image": input.image }
# hardcoded consts
headers_json := { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
#cosignHTTPWrapperURL := "http://localhost:8080/verify"
cosignHTTPWrapperURL := http://cosign-wrapper-api.mgmt.svc.cluster.local/verify
# send HTTP POST request to cosign-wrapper
output := http.send({"method": "post", "url": cosignHTTPWrapperURL, "headers": headers_json, "body": body})
# check if result verified
@csongpaxos nope sorry didn't went into opa and those topics yet to figure out how to configure it.