Dinesh Kumar
Dinesh Kumar
Kafka injects timestamp when messages reach kafka, currently we report `receive ts - produce ts` and this enables to have granular latency to figure out the issue in producer/consumer.
When produced at higher rate librdkafka errors out `Error producing message to kafka: Local: Queue full`. * Expose configuration and means to edit queue.size * Manage high throughput with batching...
If resetting offset in future (can break or throw warning), since kafka-consumer-groups reset offset does it automatically, could lead to data loss
Since we need to gcloud-client refresh the data via cron or manually, it's beneficiary to display the information when needed.
Currently, assuming you've VPN tool uses internal ip to ssh, this should be customised and should take `instance.ExternalIP()` based on flag.
To view and parse the GCP logs is hard, could download the log local so its easy to navigate and search.
currently `hostname` command is run on all machines when logged in, we should be able to customise the command.
we know IP at times, and want to know the machine, so we should be able to do reverse lookup