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google cloud client which give ssh access and login to multiple instances with tmuxinator

gcloud client

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scripts to do things which you wish google console client does.


Required libs


go get -u github.com/devdinu/gcloud-client


brew install devdinu/devlife/gcloud-client

If you've installed with brew, command will be gcl, might need to remove alias from git plugin of oh-my-zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh



all instances, which's stored in boltd

  • gcloud-client instances refresh

optionally you can pass flag --projects proj1,proj2 to refresh specific projects You could add the refresh as cron



  • gcloud-client --help to show the help with flag information

Add SSH key to compute instances

You could add your ssh key to compute instance[s], so you could ssh directly. default gcloud compute add ssh overrides the existing keys. you can add your key along with existing ones in instances with this command.

# adds your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub key to 10 instances
gcloud-client ssh_access --limit=10

The existing keys with new key is written to temp file and cleared after added to the instance.

You could customize the flags

  • --limit total instances to add
  • --filter regexp to filter the instances while listing. uses gcloud filter=name~'regex'
  • --user username to which your ssh key is added for, defaults to $USER
  • --ssh_key ssh_key file to be uploaded, defaults to $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • --dbfile file to store the instances and search, defaults to $HOME/hosts.db
  • --projects list of project-ids to search for while login, or to refresh
  • --host_mapping prints results of search command in the format of /etc/hosts file
# customize ssh file, username
gcloud-client ssh_access --ssh_key=$HOME/.ssh/gcp_id_rsa.pub --filter='.*pg.*' --limit=10 --user username

Add to single instance

You could give --instance and --zone to add ssh key to single instance, as its faster than listing instances with regexp

gcloud-client --instance=some_instance --zone=asia-zone


Login to instances

ssh into the instances which you searched, open each in tmux pane.

gcloud-client instances login --regex=some-prefix
gcloud-client instances login --prefix='some-.*db.*' --user username --session session_name
gcl instances search --regex=".*kafka.*" --projects=proj-integration,proj-production
  • prefix search is much faster than regex search

Customize flags

  • --user username for ssh
  • --session tmux session name, so multiple ssh sessions can be done at same time
  • --projects if you've many gcloud projects, mention the projects to search


Additional information


if you've installed via homebrew, use gcl instead of gcloud-client /usr/local/Cellar/gcloud-client/ have the template file and bin directory with the executable


enable syncronized panes, so most cases require you to run command on all machines

:set synchronized-panes on


  • customize which cmd to run once ssh to all instances
  • customize login via external ip / internal ip via flags (currently only internal ip is supported)
  • Infer id from ssh key
  • revoking ssh key for user from machine
  • ssh customize project to use via flag
  • TAG: search list could be tagged, so can login via tags